Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad West Coast Talmudical Seminary
Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad West Coast Talmudical Seminary(YOEC), located in Central Los Angeles, is the largest Yeshiva
Yeshiva is a Jewish educational institution that focuses on the study of traditional religious texts, primarily the Talmud and Torah study. Study is usually done through daily shiurim and in study pairs called chavrutas...

A college is an educational institution or a constituent part of an educational institution. Usage varies in English-speaking nations...

 on the West Coast of the USA
West Coast of the United States
West Coast or Pacific Coast are terms for the westernmost coastal states of the United States. The term most often refers to the states of California, Oregon, and Washington. Although not part of the contiguous United States, Alaska and Hawaii do border the Pacific Ocean but can't be included in...


The seminary is affiliated with Chabad Lubavitch Chassidism. The seminary's four-year Bachelor of Liberal Arts
Liberal arts
The term liberal arts refers to those subjects which in classical antiquity were considered essential for a free citizen to study. Grammar, Rhetoric and Logic were the core liberal arts. In medieval times these subjects were extended to include mathematics, geometry, music and astronomy...

 and Rabbinical Studies is accredited by the Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools
Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools
The Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools is a faith-based national accreditation association for Rabbinical and Talmudic schools...

 recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation
Council for Higher Education Accreditation
The Council for Higher Education Accreditation is a United States organization of degree-granting colleges and universities. It identifies its purpose as providing national advocacy for self-regulation of academic quality through accreditation in order to certify the quality of higher education...

The Degree has a strong emphasis of Philosophy
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational...

, Jewish Law, Talmudic analytics, Ethics
Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality—that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice and crime, etc.Major branches of ethics include:...

 and Rabbinic Literature
Rabbinic literature
Rabbinic literature, in its broadest sense, can mean the entire spectrum of rabbinic writings throughout Jewish history. However, the term often refers specifically to literature from the Talmudic era, as opposed to medieval and modern rabbinic writing, and thus corresponds with the Hebrew term...

. Rabbi Ezra B. Schochet, dynamic scholar and Talmudist, has held the position of dean since the yeshivas founding. The Yeshiva also houses a private boys high school accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is one of six official academic bodies responsible for the accreditation of public and private universities, colleges, secondary and elementary schools in the United States and foreign institutions of American origin. The Western Association of...

In 2003, the Yeshiva underwent a 5 million dollar renovation, adding 35000 square feet (3,251.6 m²) of space for dormitories,study rooms, and a state-of-the-art study hall.
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