Yankees raus
Yankees raus is the second album by Slime
Slime (band)
Slime is a German punk rock band, founded in 1979 and disbanded in 1994. The pre-Slime band was called Screamer, and the post-Slime band is – contrary to the occasional rumors – not Emils , but Rubberslime, with the member Elf...
Track listing
- "Yankees raus" (Yankees out)
- "Kauf oder stirb" (buy or die)
- "Alptraum" (nightmare)
- "Pseudo" (pseudo)
- "Wieder breit" (drunk again)
- "Greensleeves"
- "Bundeswehr" (army)
- "Gerechtigkeit" (justice)
- "Gewinnen werden immer wir" (we're always gonna win)
- "Block E" (block E)
- "Denken ist der Tod" (you'll die when you think)
- "Legal, illegal, scheissegal" (legal, illegal, fucking equal)
- "Demokratie" (democracy)
- "Wenn der Himmel brennt" (when heaven is burning)