Yankees raus
Yankees raus is the second album by Slime
Slime (band)
Slime is a German punk rock band, founded in 1979 and disbanded in 1994. The pre-Slime band was called Screamer, and the post-Slime band is – contrary to the occasional rumors – not Emils , but Rubberslime, with the member Elf...


Track listing

  1. "Yankees raus" (Yankees out)
  2. "Kauf oder stirb" (buy or die)
  3. "Alptraum" (nightmare)
  4. "Pseudo" (pseudo)
  5. "Wieder breit" (drunk again)
  6. "Greensleeves"
  7. "Bundeswehr" (army)
  8. "Gerechtigkeit" (justice)
  9. "Gewinnen werden immer wir" (we're always gonna win)
  10. "Block E" (block E)
  11. "Denken ist der Tod" (you'll die when you think)
  12. "Legal, illegal, scheissegal" (legal, illegal, fucking equal)
  13. "Demokratie" (democracy)
  14. "Wenn der Himmel brennt" (when heaven is burning)
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