Yan Qing
Yan Qing is a fictional character in the Water Margin
Water Margin
Water Margin , also known as Outlaws of the Marsh, All Men Are Brothers, Men of the Marshes, or The Marshes of Mount Liang, is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.Attributed to Shi Nai'an and written in vernacular Chinese, the story, set in the Song Dynasty,...

, one of the Four Great Classical Novels
Four Great Classical Novels
The Four Great Classical Novels, or the Four Major Classical Novels of Chinese literature, are the four novels commonly regarded by scholars to be the greatest and most influential of pre-modern Chinese fiction. Dating from the Ming and Qing dynasties, they are well known to most Chinese readers...

 of Chinese literature
Chinese literature
Chinese literature extends thousands of years, from the earliest recorded dynastic court archives to the mature fictional novels that arose during the Ming Dynasty to entertain the masses of literate Chinese...

. He ranks 36th of the 36 Heavenly Spirits of the 108 Liangshan heroes and is nicknamed "Wanderer" or "Prodigal".

Non-scholarly and fictional sources indicate that Yan Qing was a grand-student of Zhou Tong.


The Water Margin describes Yan Qing as a handsome youth over six chi
Chi (unit)
The chi is a traditional Chinese unit of length, approximately equal to one foot. Its length is derived from the length of human forearm and has first appeared during the Shang Dynasty approximately 3000 years ago. Since then it has spread to and adopted by other East Asian cultures, such as...

tall, with red lips, thick eyebrows, broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He sports flowery tattoos all over his upper torso, which appear prominently due to the contrast of his pale complexion. He loses his parents at an early age and is raised by the wealthy squire Lu Junyi
Lu Junyi
Lu Junyi is a fictional character in the Water Margin, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. He ranks 2nd of the 36 Heavenly Spirits of the 108 Liangshan heroes and is nicknamed "Jade Unicorn"...

, who lives in Daming Prefecture
Daming County
Daming County is a county of Hebei, China. It is under the administration of Handan city.-Administrative Divisions:Daming County has 6 towns and 14 townships.Towns:...

 (in present-day Handan
Handan is a prefecture-level city located in the southwestern part of Hebei Province of China.- History :Handan was the capital of the State of Zhao during the Warring States period , after the capital moved from Zhongmu. The city was conquered by the State of Qin after the virtual annexation of...

). Lu Junyi allows Yan Qing to be one of his stewards in his residence. Yan Qing is very loyal to his master and becomes Lu Junyi's right-hand man.

Apart from being a powerful fighter, Yan Qing is also a talented musician. He can play many musical instruments and sing ballads and songs. He earns himself the nickname "Wanderer" or "Prodigal". He blends into society well for his knowledge and expertise in various fields and his charisma. Due to these traits he possesses, he was the perfect candidate to go on a variety of stealth and espionage missions in many campaigns.

Becoming an outlaw

Lu Junyi falls for a ruse by Wu Yong
Wu Yong
Wu Yong is a fictional character in the Water Margin, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. He ranks 3rd of the 36 Heavenly Spirits of the 108 Liangshan heroes and is nicknamed "Resourceful Star".-Background:...

 and is tricked into meeting the Liangshan
Mount Liang
Mount Liang is a mountain in Liangshan County, Shandong province, China which rises to 197.9 m above sea level. It is well known as the stronghold of the 108 legendary Song Dynasty heroes of the classic Chinese novel Water Margin...

 outlaws. The outlaws detain Lu but release Lu Junyi's head steward Li Gu, falsely informing him that Lu has decided to join them. Wu Yong had also left a poem containing a hidden message on Lu Junyi's wall upon their initial meeting (see Lu Junyi#Wu Yong's poem). Thus, when Lu Junyi is finally allowed to return home several months later, Li Gu immediately has him arrested. Yan Qing tries to stop them but fails and Li Gu chases him out of the house.

Lu Junyi is sentenced to exile on Shamen Island. The guards escorting him there have been bribed by Li Gu to finish him off along the way. Yan Qing follows Lu Junyi secretly and he kills the guards when they are about to murder his master. He rescues Lu Junyi but they are surrounded by soldiers and Lu is captured again. Yan Qing flees to seek help and runs into Shi Xiu
Shi Xiu
Shi Xiu is a fictional character in the Water Margin, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. He ranks 33rd of the 36 Heavenly Spirits of the 108 Liangshan heroes and is nicknamed "Daredevil Third Brother".-Background:...

. Shi Xiu agrees to help him save Lu Junyi and tells him to rush to Liangshan Marsh to seek help. Shi Xiu fails to save Lu Junyi when he storms the execution ground alone and is captured as well. Yan Qing brings the Liangshan outlaws to attack Daming Prefecture and they defeat imperial forces and succeed in rescuing Lu Junyi and Shi Xiu.


Yan Qing joins the Liangshan outlaw band together with his master. He becomes one of the leaders of the infantry after the Grand Assembly and participates actively in the battles between Liangshan and imperial forces. He develops a close friendship with Li Kui as well.

On one occasion, Yan Qing travels to Tai'anzhou (in present-day Shandong
' is a Province located on the eastern coast of the People's Republic of China. Shandong has played a major role in Chinese history from the beginning of Chinese civilization along the lower reaches of the Yellow River and served as a pivotal cultural and religious site for Taoism, Chinese...

) accompanied by Li Kui to challenge an arrogant big-sized wrestler named Ren Yuan. Ren Yuan had been the wrestling champion of the East Sacred Mountain Temple fair for the past two years. Yan Qing defeats the burly Ren Yuan, but Ren's men quickly move to seize the trophies. A crowd stampede ensues and Li Kui is recognized by some of the spectators. Upon hearing Li Kui's name called out, soldiers pour into the temple. Yan Qing and Li Kui are then rescued at the temple gate by Lu Junyi and a small group of outlaws. However, Li Kui returns alone to the inn get his axes and then goes on a killing spree. All of the outlaws have escaped by the time a larger group of soldiers arrives.

Song Jiang
Song Jiang
Song Jiang was the leader of a group of outlaws who lived during the Song Dynasty. The outlaws were active in the present-day provinces of Shandong and Henan before their eventual surrender to the government. Song Jiang is also featured as a character in the Water Margin, one of the Four Great...

 hopes that the government will grant the outlaws amnesty and provide them with opportunities to serve the nation. He sends Yan Qing to make contact with Li Shishi
Li Shishi (Song Dynasty)
Li Shishi was a prostitute in Kaifeng, the capital of the Song Dynasty, and Emperor Huizong was a regular client of hers.In the classical novel Water Margin, Li Shishi encounters the outlaws from Liangshan Marsh on two occasions; on the second, more important encounter, she befriends Yan Qing and...

, a prostitute whom the emperor frequently visits. Li Shishi quickly becomes enamored with Yan Qing, but Yan subtly resists her sexual innuendos to ensure that his mission is not compromised. He wittingly asks to become her sworn brother, thus successfully forestalling her romantic ambitions. The emperor makes a surprise visit on the same night and Li Shishi tells him that Yan Qing is her cousin. After entertaining the emperor with ballads, Yan Qing claims that he has escaped from Liangshan. He speaks on the outlaws' behalf and explains why the previous attempts at amnesty failed. The emperor then writes him an official pardon at the insistence of Li Shishi. Afterwards, Yan Qing and Dai Zong visit Marshal Su Jin, who further aid the outlaws in their appeal for amnesty.

Yan Qing follows the heroes on their campaigns against the Liao
Liao Dynasty
The Liao Dynasty , also known as the Khitan Empire was an empire in East Asia that ruled over the regions of Manchuria, Mongolia, and parts of northern China proper between 9071125...

 invaders and rebel forces and makes great contributions. He is one of the few lucky survivors after the Fang La
Fang La
Fang La was a rebel leader who lived during the Song Dynasty. He is also featured as one of the antagonists and nemesis of the 108 Liangshan heroes in Water Margin, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.-Biography:...

 campaign. Uninterested in a civil career and afraid that Song Jiang will refuse him permission to leave, Yan Qing slips away from Song's army on the way back to the capital. Yan Qing leads a reclusive life until the end of his days.

In many popular depictions, Yan Qing and Li Shishi become lovers and abscond to parts unknown after the Fang La campaign.


Yan Qing is highly-skilled in the use of the staff
Gun (staff)
The Chinese word gun refers to a long Chinese staff weapon used in Chinese martial arts. It is known as one of the four major weapons, along with the qiang , dao , and the jian , called in this group "The Grandfather of all Weapons".-Variants:There are various kinds of gun, and they include the...

 just like Lu Junyi
Lu Junyi
Lu Junyi is a fictional character in the Water Margin, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. He ranks 2nd of the 36 Heavenly Spirits of the 108 Liangshan heroes and is nicknamed "Jade Unicorn"...

. He is also an accomplished wrestler and martial artist, and even Li Kui fears him. His primary weapon is the crossbow and he fires no more than three arrows with it every time in combat. He is also skilled in using a normal bow, as demonstrated when he shoots down a flock of birds with a normal bow and arrows for the first time he uses them. In legend, Yan Qing is one of the original masters of the martial art mizongyi
Mízōngyì , or simply Mízōng, is a style of Chinese martial art based on deception and mobility. Mizong is also known as Mízōngquán and Yanqingquan and there are many sub-branches of this style....

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