There are several rabbinical works that bear the title "Yalkut" (Anthology):
- Yalkut YosefYalkut YosefYalkut Yosef is an authoritative, contemporary work of Halakha, providing a detailed explanation of the Shulchan Aruch as based on the halachic rulings of the former Rishon LeTzion Rav Ovadia Yosef...
- Yalkut ShimoniYalkut ShimoniThe Yalkut Shimoni or simply Yalkut is an aggadic compilation on the books of the Hebrew Bible. From such older haggadot as were accessible to him, the author collected various interpretations and explanations of Biblical passages, and arranged these according to the sequence of those portions of...
- Yalkut Makiri
- Yalkut Reuveni