Xenia epigram
A xenia epigram is an epigram
An epigram is a brief, interesting, usually memorable and sometimes surprising statement. Derived from the epigramma "inscription" from ἐπιγράφειν epigraphein "to write on inscribe", this literary device has been employed for over two millennia....

 attached to a gift, sometimes as represented in a xenia
Xenia motif
The xenia motif in Roman mosaic is a still life motif consisting of a grouping of various items, mostly edible, representing a generous offering from a wealthy host to his guests....

Mosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. It may be a technique of decorative art, an aspect of interior decoration, or of cultural and spiritual significance as in a cathedral...

. Originally found in Latin literature
Latin literature
Latin literature includes the essays, histories, poems, plays, and other writings of the ancient Romans. In many ways, it seems to be a continuation of Greek literature, using many of the same forms...

, it was revived in the nineteenth century.

An example:

With a Mosaic "Forget me not"

Accept and wear this constant flower,
Thus copied out by art.
It blooms in Nature but its hour,--
For ever in the heart.

Affections into habits grown,--
Lives fastened in one lot,--
The flower has strengthened into stone
We name "Forget me not."
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