that was produced by Capcom
and released on the CPS-2 arcade system in 1994. It is the first fighting game
produced by Capcom using characters under license from Marvel Comics
, widely praised for its faithfulness in capturing the spirit of its namesake comics, by using colorful animation and voice actors
from the X-Men animated series, such as Cathal Dodd
as Wolverine
X-Men follows the same fighting game controls and conventions Capcom previously established with the Street Fighter II
games and the original Darkstalkers.
[post-fight shout] "Do svidanya!"
"I am not leader of the X-Men for nothing!"
"I'd only fight the X-Men if I wanted to lose!"
"Powers are not everything, friend!"
[in-fight shout] "Optic blast!"
[post-fight shout] "Yes!"
"Let's see how you like being on ice for a while!"
"Magneto had great ideas, but he became a monster to pursue them. Then the ideas did not matter anymore."
[in-fight shout] "Ice Beam!"
[in-fight shout] "Arctic Attack!"