X-Men: Children of the Atom (arcade game)
X-Men: Children of the Atom (arcade game)

X-Men: Children of the Atom is an acclaimed Capcom video game from 1994. Some of these quotes later found their way into the Marvel vs. Capcom series of fighting games.
- "I am not leader of the X-Men for nothing!"
- "I'd only fight the X-Men if I wanted to lose!"
- "Powers are not everything, friend!"
- [in-fight shout] "Optic blast!"
- [post-fight shout] "Yes!"
- "Let's see how you like being on ice for a while!"
- "Magneto had great ideas, but he became a monster to pursue them. Then the ideas did not matter anymore."
- [in-fight shout] "Ice Beam!"
- [in-fight shout] "Arctic Attack!"
- "I will not humiliate you further."
- "Next time, I suggest fighting back."
- [in-fight shout] "Psi Blast!"
- [in-fight shout] "Psi Blade!"
- [in-fight shout] "Psi Thrust!"
- [post-fight shout] "No sweat!"
- "Bright Lady, I am victorious!"
- "Never fight anyone who controls nature herself!"
- "You have fallen to the elemental power of Storm!"
- [in-fight shout] "Lightning Attack!"
- [in-fight shout] "Typhoon!"
- [in-fight shout] "Lightning Storm!"
- "I'm still the best at what I do."
- [pre-fight shout] "Let's go, bub!"
- [in-fight shout] "Drill Claw!"
- [in-fight shout] "Tornado Claw!"
- [in-fight shout] "Berserker Barrage!"
- [post-fight shout] "Rookie!"
Omega Red
- "You should feel honoured to be destroyed by me!"
- [in-fight shout] "Death Factor!"
- [in-fight shout] "Omega Destroyer!"
- "Resistance is futile, mutant."
- [in-fight shout] "Rocket Punch!"
- [in-fight shout] "Damaged..."
- [death shout] "Unit destroyed."
- [post-fight shout] "Mission completed."
Silver Samurai
- "Gai-jin!"
- "Your lack of training is obvious to all!"
- [in-fight shout] "Raimeiken!"
- "Your powers are a joke to me!"
- "You can be happy to have escaped with your life!"
- [in-fight shout] "Switch!"
- [in-fight shout] "Dancing Sword!"
- "Next time, bring your little friends!"
- "I'm unstoppable!"
- [in-fight shout] "Headcrush!"
- "You try my patience, little X-Man!"
- [pre-fight shout] "You dare rise against me? The human era is over... the mutant era has come."
- [in-fight shout] "Magnetic Shockwave!"
- [in-fight shout] "Magnetic Tempest!"
Akuma(Secret Character)
- "My abillitie to win is genetic!"
- "I am the master warrior!"
- "At least you make an effort, pathetic as it was!"
- "Your powers cannot compare to my skill!"
- "......"
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