Wyspa dzieci
Wyspa dzieci - the second studio album by Polish group 2 Plus 1
2 plus 1
2 Plus 1 was a Polish band performing pop and folk music and in the later period of its activity also synthpop and rock. It was founded in 1971 in Warsaw by Janusz Kruk and Elżbieta Dmoch. The band has recorded ten studio albums, won a number of prizes and performed in many countries...

, released in 1975. The title translates The Island of Children.

Album information

It was a concept album
Concept album
In music, a concept album is an album that is "unified by a theme, which can be instrumental, compositional, narrative, or lyrical." Commonly, concept albums tend to incorporate preconceived musical or lyrical ideas rather than being improvised or composed in the studio, with all songs contributing...

, telling about problems of children and teenagers. The album included a number of hit songs: "Kołysanka matki", "Na luzie" and "Gwiazda dnia" - the latter was recorded for the 1973 film In Desert and Wilderness
In Desert and Wilderness (film)
Adapted from a popular young adult novel, In Desert and Wilderness by Polish author Henryk Sienkiewicz written in 1912, Desert and Wilderness is the story of two kids, Staś Tarkowski and Nel Rawlison, kidnapped by the rebels during Mahdi's rebellion in Sudan...

. Wyspa dzieci met with commercial as well as critical success. The album was re-released on CD in 2001.

Track listing

Side A:
  1. "Wyspa dzieci" ("The Island of Children") – 4:05
  2. "Gdzieś w sercu na dnie" ("Somewhere at the Bottom of Your Heart") – 2:35
  3. "Kołysanka matki" ("The Mother's Lullaby") – 4:45
  4. "Coraz bliżej dom" ("We're Coming Home") – 3:25
  5. "Na luzie" ("Take It Easy") – 3:20

Side B:
  1. "Bez pieniędzy" ("Without Money") – 3:50
  2. "Na naszym piętrze nowina" ("There's the News on Our Storey") – 4:00
  3. "A my jak dzieci" ("We're Like Children") – 3:30
  4. "Song rodziców" ("Parents' Song") – 2:45
  5. "Setki mil" ("Hundreds of Miles") – 3:00
  6. "Gwiazda dnia" ("The Star of the Day") – 1:50

External links

  • Wyspa dzieci on Discogs
    Discogs, short for discographies, is a website and database of information about audio recordings, including commercial releases, promotional releases, and bootleg or off-label releases. The Discogs servers, currently hosted under the domain name discogs.com, are owned by Zink Media, Inc., and are...

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