Wuluwait is a god from northern Arnhem Land
Arnhem Land
The Arnhem Land Region is one of the five regions of the Northern Territory of Australia. It is located in the north-eastern corner of the territory and is around 500 km from the territory capital Darwin. The region has an area of 97,000 km² which also covers the area of Kakadu National...

 (in northern Australia) and is known to work with Bunbulama as a rainmaker. He is also recorded by Charles Mountford and Ainslie Roberts
Ainslie Roberts
Ainslie Roberts was an Australian painter, photographer and commercial artist. He is best known his for interpretations of Aboriginal legends in his Dreamtime books, written in collaboration with ethnologist/anthropologist Charles Mountford.-Early life:Ainslie was born in London, England in 1911...

as a boatman who ferries the souls of the dead to Purelko, the aboriginal afterlife.
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