Wireless Commons License
The Wireless Commons License describes the principles, terms and conditions for many libre and open wireless community networks
Wireless community network
Wireless community networks or wireless community projects are the organizations that attempt to take a grassroots approach to providing a viable alternative to municipal wireless networks for consumers....

. In summary it gives the right to use the network for any purpose unless you affect the operation of the network or the freedom of other users, the right to know and learn any detail of the network and its components, the freedom of joining or extending the network following the same conditions.

Community networks following this license are used, owned, operated, extended and governed by the community, the same group people with no separation between service providers and users. It can be seen as an equivalent license for libre and open wireless community networks compared to software licenses for libre and open software.
The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.