Winger (comic)
Winger is a webcomic
Webcomics, online comics, or Internet comics are comics published on a website. While many are published exclusively on the web, others are also published in magazines, newspapers or often in self-published books....

 by Carson Fire (real name Eric Gustafson). It follows the relationship of Dab Winger, a conservative Christian, and Mineola Marlowe, a guilty liberal, in the bookstore where they work. The setup allows Fire, a conservative cartoonist, to explore political issues, and just as often the meta-political issues that arise when political idealogues clash. Dab Winger, the title character, is described in the comic's subtitle as 'a wingnut with a screw loose.' The comic is hosted by Keenspot
Keenspot is a webcomics portal founded in March 2000 by cartoonist Chris Crosby , Crosby's mother Teri, cartoonist Darren Bleuel , and Nathan Stone.-History:...


Before Winger, Fire drew Elf Life
Elf Life
Alfheim, formerly known as Elf Life, is a fantasy webcomic by Carson Fire that is hosted on Keenspot. It debuted on June 14, 1999 and ran until December 21, 2004. Three spin-offs followed the original series: Elf Life: Babes in the Woods, Elf Life: Wedding Night, and Sprite Life...

for more than five years.

Winger was put on hiatus in September 2006, shortly after an attempt to restart the comic as an SF story
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