Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom is the fourth main game in Chris Roberts' Wing Commander
science fiction
space combat simulator video game series, produced by Origin Systems
and released by Electronic Arts
for the PC in 1995 and the Sony PlayStation in 1997 (the game was also released on the Playstation Network in 2009). At the time of its release, it was the largest and most expensive video game made yet.
The first game set after the end of the Terran-Kilrathi War, Wing Commander IV depicted a galaxy in the midst of a chaotic transition, with human civilians, Kilrathi survivors and former soldiers on both sides attempting to restabilize their lives. A novelization, by William R. Forstchen
and Ben Ohlander, was published on October 1, 1996.
), retired, is trying to make out a living on a desert world as a farmer.
Salvation comes in the unlikely form of Major Todd 'Maniac' Marshall (Tom Wilson
), who bears orders: Blair has been recalled to active military service by Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn (Malcolm McDowell
) . Tension between the Confederation and the Union of Border Worlds has deepened, most recently with a monstrous attack on an unarmed medical transport. This transport is destroyed by a wing of mysterious fighters equipped with a bizarre new anti-ship weapon that doesn't explode, but rather incinerates the target's contents, leaving only a burning shell behind. Maniac is able to relate very few details on the recall order, but Blair gets an eyeful within five minutes of taking the cockpit when the station he's heading to is attacked by an Avenger-class fighter claiming Border Worlds allegiance. Border World claims that similar strikes that have occurred on their ships are ignored. James 'Paladin' Taggart (John Rhys-Davies
), now with his days in the Confederation military behind him, has become a senior governor of the Assembly. In an effort to calm the calamity of threats and accusation, he makes the decision that the Assembly must cast a vote, and Admiral Tolwyn is the man who must present the evidence in order for the voting process to begin. In two weeks, the Confederation's governing Assembly will vote on whether or not to declare war on the Border Worlds, with Tolwyn assigned to a fact-finding mission which will essentially decide the issue. To assist him, Tolwyn assigns Blair to the TCS Lexington with the task of unraveling these tensions and getting to the bottom of the story. Returning from Wing Commander III are Lexington's new captain, William Eisen (Jason Bernard
), Maniac, and Lieutenant Winston 'Vagabond' Chang (François Chau
). Blair also meets Lieutenant Troy 'Catscratch' Carter (Mark Dacascos
), a Kilrath-o-phobe who joined the military a couple of years too late.
Blair can find no concrete evidence, other than the fact that no one can positively identify the harassing ships. Soon, Tolwyn transfers a new officer to the Lex, Captain Hugh Paulsen (John Spencer
), who replaces Eisen in command. After flying sorties under Paulsen's command, Blair faces a seemingly ordinary situation in which he decides to either head to the officer's lounge with Maniac or to venture down to the flight deck without proper authorization and face the threat of winding up in the "brig." If Blair chooses to head to the lounge, Maniac abruptly leaves him at the lounge bar remembering "something he has to do." If Blair chooses to sneak onto the flight deck, he witnesses Seether (Robert Rusler
), the finest of the Genetic Enhancement program, now known as the Black Lance, arriving in a shuttle and meeting an unexpecting Paulsen with the claim that "things haven't been progressing as anticipated." Soon after, Paulsen calls Blair and Chang in for a surprise mission briefing: Eisen has just defected to the Border Worlds and is fleeing in a shuttle, with Maniac piloting. Once in space, Vagabond announces that he is going to follow Eisen over, and the player must choose whether to defect or not. If he does not, Blair returns to the Lexington to meet a new cadre of pilots brought in by Paulsen: cold, efficient, and extremely talented. The best, and coldest, is a man known only as Seether. Blair flies with them for several missions before being confronted with a Border Worlds attack, led by Maniac, who gives Blair another chance to come over. Staying loyal to the Confederation leads to certain death, making it clear what series creator Chris Roberts expected the player to do. Blair and Maniac succeed in downing the Lexington, though Paulsen escapes in a shuttle with Seether. Shortly afterward, Seether slits Paulsen's throat with his trademark knife, because of his "mistake" in not killing either the Colonel or Captain Eisen when he had the chance to do so.
If Blair chooses to defect with Vagabond, he arrives with Eisen, Maniac, Vagabond and Catscratch at the BWS Intrepid, an old Durango-class carrier that has recently suffered immense damage from a Confed attack. Much of the senior staff has been killed, including Eisen's contact (and old friend) Captain Dominguez, and the two officers currently sharing the command are Colonels Jacob 'Hawk' Manley (Chris Mulkey
) and Tamara 'Panther' Farnsworth (Elizabeth Barondes), whom Blair recognizes from "the Astoria system" during the Kilrathi War. Hawk and Panther assign Blair as Wing Commander for the Intrepid's flight group, and Eisen becomes her captain, owing the lack of any other senior Navy personnel. Other notable Intrepid natives include Chief Technician Robert 'Pliers' Sykes (Richard Riehle
), far older and less pretty than Rachel Coriolis but just as canny with the planes if Blair is friendly to him; Colonel John 'Gash' Dekker (Jeremy Roberts), head of the ship's contingent of Marines; and communications technician Lieutenant Velina Sosa (Holly Gagnier
), whom Catscratch quickly takes a shine to. Eisen also takes the time to confide the reasoning behind his defection: he's been in touch with connections back on Earth, and it seems that this nascent Confed-Border Worlds war is being encouraged by elements within Confed—including whoever sent Paulsen. If he wanted the whole story, Eisen saw no choice other than to defect, but because he respected Blair's piloting ability and loyalty to Confed - he wanted Blair to make the decision to defect himself, which is why he asked Maniac to defect with him, and not Blair.
Pliers comes up with a number of new inventions, such as a jury-rigged cloaking device and a "Manned Insertion Pod"—a torpedo-sized coffin that can be used to land ground troops. Blair takes two of them in against a communications station in the Orestes System, where Sosa and Vagabond collect valuable data on the conspiracy. Unfortunately, only Sosa makes it out alive, as Vagabond is killed in the gunfight. It is at this point that the two plot paths rejoin and the game proceeds identically for all players, inaugurated by a video sequence of the Vesuvius being launched and in which Tolwyn tells James "Paladin" Taggart, that Blair has defected. Tolwyn is sure this means treachery; but Paladin, who has faith in Blair, wonders if he might have had a good reason for it.
Blair picks up a distress signal from the Kilrathi Melek and rescues his friend's convoy. Melek brings with him flight recorder data of the sleek black ships using their incineration weapon against a Kilrathi transport. Sosa plays back the recording and Blair, Eisen, Melek, Hawk, and a few other pilots look over the footage. One of the ships pulls exactly the same move that Blair saw earlier in the attack on the space port, using the ship's afterburners to supercharge and detonate an explosive mine which essentially pushes the ship away at a faster rate. Blair tells everyone that he's witnessed that move before, and so has one other pilot: Hawk. He tells them that when he first signed on with Confed, there was a rookie pilot on his ship who was the only man he met that could pull such a calculating maneuver. He also informs them that there was some talk of a 'G.E.' program, but that he never found out what it was, and the rookie pilot was transferred from the flight roster and into Confed Intelligence Operations. Hawk doesn't know the pilot's real name, but he does recall that the pilot's callsign was 'Seether'. Then Eisen leaves the Intrepid, intent on sneaking back in to Earth and uncovering whatever he can; he leaves Blair in command, with Border Worlds Rear Admiral Eugene Wilford as his immediate superior. The player's next challenge, in the Peleus System, involves a giant electronic warfare ship that is capable of jamming radar, targeting sensors and even shielding. Eventually, the player is given a choice on what system to attend next: at Circe, a fierce civil war has erupted pitting Confed forces against Border Worlds civilians, but the Sparadon System contains many of Confed's latest munitions and vehicles of war. Panther advocates the former, Hawk the latter. Blair's choice immediately affects gameplay, since he receives captured Confederation weaponry if he chooses Sparadon, and also affects the game's ending. In both systems Catscratch gets in over his head while flying a solo mission, and Blair has to decide whether to abandon another mission to bail him out. Besides the obvious loss of a wingman, Sosa is frosty to Blair should he abandon the rookie. Finally, the Intrepid catches wind of a secret Confed freighter sneaking through the area, and Blair is assigned to subdue it so that Dekker and his boys can capture it. Pliers, clambering aboard in the aftermath, discovers a squadron of sleek black fighters and a single example of their incendiary weapon, called "Dragons" and "Flash-Paks" respectively.
The next mission takes place in the Telamon System, which is under biological attack. The vast majority of the colony, particularly Planet FT957, has died. Few survive the attacks, hale and untouched, evidently due to some sort of innate immunity; regardless, the death toll is atrocious. The survivors at the colony implicate sleek black ships in the destruction; supposedly, the visiting Dragons dropped canisters that undoubtedly contained a biological weapon which weeded out the "weaker" elements of the population. Blair traces the attacking Dragons to the Axius System, which he infiltrates. There he discovers a secret starbase, guarded by the TCS Vesuvius, and thousands of black-clad soldiers, led by Seether, who commands when the true leader isn't there. But, today, he is, and Seether respectfully steps aside for his commanding officer: Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn. His "Black Lance" operation is instigating a war between the Border Worlds and Confed, with the goal being constant war-driven evolution of tactics and technology, to prepare the Confederation to meet the next hostile alien race. The Gen-Select Bioweapon, recently tested at Telamon, is the next obvious step in the plan: a virus that kills off all but the most genetically superior. Blair, barely getting over his horror in time, is forced to fight his way out.
The Intrepid, pursued heavily by the Vesuvius and Tolwyn's Black Lance pilots, makes a run toward Earth. Since Tolwyn needs Congressional support to launch his war, it's obvious what he plans to do, and Blair needs to get there first and stop him. The Intrepid must bypass a major starbase in the Ella System, and the player is given the choice to sneak past it or Flash-Pak it—killing thousands of civilians in the process. Besides affecting the game's ending, this choice also determines whether Blair will have the Flash-Pak when it comes time to take out the Vesuvius, a job made slightly easier by the intervention of the TCS Mount St. Helens, sister ship to the Vesuvius and its new captain, Eisen. Finally, Blair duels Seether one-on-one above Earth and then lands at the Congressional Building.
The game's final battle involves not weapons but words. Tolwyn, who has just been promoted to Space Marshal, is in the midst of his "report" on the Border Worlds' "warmongering" when Blair, a shabby figure in his dusty flight suit, slips in. If the player makes a silent entrance and waits for Tolwyn to finish his speech, Tolwyn alerts the chamber guards to arrest Blair and he is not given a chance to speak, instead being executed- which ends the game. If the player instead chooses to make a dramatic entrance, Paladin gives him the chance to speak before the Assembly. The player must then choose from an array of conversational choices, deciding how to best bait Tolwyn into revealing his true agenda and thus prevent a Terran civil war:
Paladin will cut Tolwyn off at this point, and if the player has scored enough points against Tolwyn, the Senate votes against war. Tolwyn is then indicted and convicted for his actions; lacking an appeal, he hangs himself in his jail cell, rather than be executed for his betrayal.
The game has multiple endings. If the player won through and outdueled Tolwyn in the war of words, Blair will either be seen helping Panther train new pilots at the Academy or using Black Lance assets to crush rebellions with Hawk at his side, depending on the general tone of his choices throughout the game. If the player made the wrong choices facing Tolwyn, Blair is convicted of treason and executed as the war begins. This also happens if at any time Blair is captured by Confederation forces after his defection, for instance if his carrier is destroyed. If Blair fails enough missions before his defection, he is simply sent back to his farm.
As the man giving the orders, Blair often gets to choose what ship he will fly, what missiles it will carry, and what wingman (or wingmen) he will take with him.
, which were shot on actual sets instead of a bluescreen. The original MS-DOS edition shipped on 6 CD-ROM
Origin later released a native-client for Windows/95. The Windows client added a deinterlace-option to improve the appearance of the cutscenes, but was identical to the original MS-DOS game in all other respects. In 1997, a special DVD-ROM edition of the game was released. In the special-edition, the cutscene-video was upgraded to full-DVD quality. As host PCs were insufficiently powerful to play the MPEG2 DVD-video, the game-client relied on Windows/95's multimedia player to stream the video from DVD to a hardware-decoder. This dependency on external hardware rendered the game unplayable outside Windows PCs equipped with the decoder-board. Hence, the game was strategically bundled with DVD-ROM kits that included the necessary decoder-hardware. Later, the gaming community developed patches to allow this version to play on modern hardware where no hardware based MPEG2 decode was available. There was also a separate DVD-release which lacked the enhanced video, and was hence playable on all PCs capable of playing the original CD-ROM release.
Wing Commander (franchise)
Wing Commander is a video game media franchise consisting of space combat simulation computer games from Origin Systems, Inc., an animated television series, a feature film, a collectible card game, a series of novels, and action figures...
science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...
space combat simulator video game series, produced by Origin Systems
Origin Systems
Origin Systems, Inc. was a computer game developer based in Austin, Texas that was active from 1983 to 2004...
and released by Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts
Electronic Arts, Inc. is a major American developer, marketer, publisher and distributor of video games. Founded and incorporated on May 28, 1982 by Trip Hawkins, the company was a pioneer of the early home computer games industry and was notable for promoting the designers and programmers...
for the PC in 1995 and the Sony PlayStation in 1997 (the game was also released on the Playstation Network in 2009). At the time of its release, it was the largest and most expensive video game made yet.
The first game set after the end of the Terran-Kilrathi War, Wing Commander IV depicted a galaxy in the midst of a chaotic transition, with human civilians, Kilrathi survivors and former soldiers on both sides attempting to restabilize their lives. A novelization, by William R. Forstchen
William R. Forstchen
William R. Forstchen is an American author who began publishing in 1983 with the novel Ice Prophet. He is a Professor of History and Faculty Fellow at Montreat College, in Montreat, North Carolina...
and Ben Ohlander, was published on October 1, 1996.
The war between the alien Kilrathi Empire and the Terran Confederation has been over for several years. Confed is attempting to stabilize its economy and social structure, after the abrupt end to thirty-five years of war. The Kilrathi survivors, now led by Melek nar Kiranka, retainer to the late Prince Thrakhath, are having even greater problems, since so much of their racial and societal makeup revolves around hunting and killing. Tensions between the outer colonies and inner Confed worlds are higher than ever. And the Savior of the Confederation Colonel Christopher 'Maverick' Blair (Mark HamillMark Hamill
Mark Richard Hamill is an American actor, voice artist, producer, director, and writer, best known for his role as Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy of Star Wars. More recently, he has received acclaim for his voice work, in such roles as the Joker in Batman: The Animated Series, Firelord...
), retired, is trying to make out a living on a desert world as a farmer.
Salvation comes in the unlikely form of Major Todd 'Maniac' Marshall (Tom Wilson
Tom Wilson
Thomas Blanchard Wilson Jr. was an American record producer best known for his work in the 1960s with Bob Dylan, Frank Zappa, Simon and Garfunkel and The Velvet Underground.-Starting out:...
), who bears orders: Blair has been recalled to active military service by Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn (Malcolm McDowell
Malcolm McDowell
Malcolm McDowell is an English actor with a career spanning over forty years.McDowell is principally known for his roles in the controversial films If...., O Lucky Man!, A Clockwork Orange and Caligula...
) . Tension between the Confederation and the Union of Border Worlds has deepened, most recently with a monstrous attack on an unarmed medical transport. This transport is destroyed by a wing of mysterious fighters equipped with a bizarre new anti-ship weapon that doesn't explode, but rather incinerates the target's contents, leaving only a burning shell behind. Maniac is able to relate very few details on the recall order, but Blair gets an eyeful within five minutes of taking the cockpit when the station he's heading to is attacked by an Avenger-class fighter claiming Border Worlds allegiance. Border World claims that similar strikes that have occurred on their ships are ignored. James 'Paladin' Taggart (John Rhys-Davies
John Rhys-Davies
John Rhys-Davies is a Welsh actor and voice actor. He is perhaps best known for playing the charismatic Arab excavator Sallah in the Indiana Jones films and the dwarf Gimli in The Lord of the Rings trilogy...
), now with his days in the Confederation military behind him, has become a senior governor of the Assembly. In an effort to calm the calamity of threats and accusation, he makes the decision that the Assembly must cast a vote, and Admiral Tolwyn is the man who must present the evidence in order for the voting process to begin. In two weeks, the Confederation's governing Assembly will vote on whether or not to declare war on the Border Worlds, with Tolwyn assigned to a fact-finding mission which will essentially decide the issue. To assist him, Tolwyn assigns Blair to the TCS Lexington with the task of unraveling these tensions and getting to the bottom of the story. Returning from Wing Commander III are Lexington
Jason Bernard
Jason Bernard was an American actor who starred in movies and on television.-Career:Bernard was born in Chicago, Illinois...
), Maniac, and Lieutenant Winston 'Vagabond' Chang (François Chau
François Chau
François Chau is a Cambodian-American actor. He is known for his role as Dr. Pierre Chang in ABC's Lost, and as The Shredder in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze....
). Blair also meets Lieutenant Troy 'Catscratch' Carter (Mark Dacascos
Mark Dacascos
Mark Alan Dacascos is an American actor and martial artist. He won numerous karate and various styles of kung fu championships between the ages of 7 and 18....
), a Kilrath-o-phobe who joined the military a couple of years too late.
Blair can find no concrete evidence, other than the fact that no one can positively identify the harassing ships. Soon, Tolwyn transfers a new officer to the Lex, Captain Hugh Paulsen (John Spencer
John Spencer (actor)
John Spencer was an American film and television actor. He was most widely known for playing White House Chief of Staff Leo McGarry on the NBC political drama series The West Wing, which earned him an Emmy Award in 2002.-Early life:Spencer was born as John Speshock, Jr. in New York City, and...
), who replaces Eisen in command. After flying sorties under Paulsen's command, Blair faces a seemingly ordinary situation in which he decides to either head to the officer's lounge with Maniac or to venture down to the flight deck without proper authorization and face the threat of winding up in the "brig." If Blair chooses to head to the lounge, Maniac abruptly leaves him at the lounge bar remembering "something he has to do." If Blair chooses to sneak onto the flight deck, he witnesses Seether (Robert Rusler
Robert Rusler
Robert Rusler is an American film and television actor.Rusler was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the son of Maria Elena and Richard C. Rusler. He moved to Waikiki Beach in Hawaii, where he started surfing and skateboarding on a semi-professional level, competiting in local tournaments...
), the finest of the Genetic Enhancement program, now known as the Black Lance, arriving in a shuttle and meeting an unexpecting Paulsen with the claim that "things haven't been progressing as anticipated." Soon after, Paulsen calls Blair and Chang in for a surprise mission briefing: Eisen has just defected to the Border Worlds and is fleeing in a shuttle, with Maniac piloting. Once in space, Vagabond announces that he is going to follow Eisen over, and the player must choose whether to defect or not. If he does not, Blair returns to the Lexington to meet a new cadre of pilots brought in by Paulsen: cold, efficient, and extremely talented. The best, and coldest, is a man known only as Seether. Blair flies with them for several missions before being confronted with a Border Worlds attack, led by Maniac, who gives Blair another chance to come over. Staying loyal to the Confederation leads to certain death, making it clear what series creator Chris Roberts expected the player to do. Blair and Maniac succeed in downing the Lexington, though Paulsen escapes in a shuttle with Seether. Shortly afterward, Seether slits Paulsen's throat with his trademark knife, because of his "mistake" in not killing either the Colonel or Captain Eisen when he had the chance to do so.
If Blair chooses to defect with Vagabond, he arrives with Eisen, Maniac, Vagabond and Catscratch at the BWS Intrepid, an old Durango-class carrier that has recently suffered immense damage from a Confed attack. Much of the senior staff has been killed, including Eisen's contact (and old friend) Captain Dominguez, and the two officers currently sharing the command are Colonels Jacob 'Hawk' Manley (Chris Mulkey
Chris Mulkey
Chris Mulkey is an American actor who most recently appeared in Against the Wall, Cloverfield, the NBC TV movie Knight Rider, and as a corporate executive in season 7 of 24...
) and Tamara 'Panther' Farnsworth (Elizabeth Barondes), whom Blair recognizes from "the Astoria system" during the Kilrathi War. Hawk and Panther assign Blair as Wing Commander for the Intrepid
Richard Riehle
-Life and career:Riehle was born in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, the son of Mary Margaret , a nurse, and Herbert John Riehle , an assistant postmaster. He attended the University of Notre Dame....
), far older and less pretty than Rachel Coriolis but just as canny with the planes if Blair is friendly to him; Colonel John 'Gash' Dekker (Jeremy Roberts), head of the ship's contingent of Marines; and communications technician Lieutenant Velina Sosa (Holly Gagnier
Holly Gagnier
Holly Gagnier is an American actress.Gagnier's notable roles include long running stints on daytime's One Life to Live, and Days of our Lives. She has been seen on television shows including Murder, She Wrote and Wings...
), whom Catscratch quickly takes a shine to. Eisen also takes the time to confide the reasoning behind his defection: he's been in touch with connections back on Earth, and it seems that this nascent Confed-Border Worlds war is being encouraged by elements within Confed—including whoever sent Paulsen. If he wanted the whole story, Eisen saw no choice other than to defect, but because he respected Blair's piloting ability and loyalty to Confed - he wanted Blair to make the decision to defect himself, which is why he asked Maniac to defect with him, and not Blair.
Pliers comes up with a number of new inventions, such as a jury-rigged cloaking device and a "Manned Insertion Pod"—a torpedo-sized coffin that can be used to land ground troops. Blair takes two of them in against a communications station in the Orestes System, where Sosa and Vagabond collect valuable data on the conspiracy. Unfortunately, only Sosa makes it out alive, as Vagabond is killed in the gunfight. It is at this point that the two plot paths rejoin and the game proceeds identically for all players, inaugurated by a video sequence of the Vesuvius being launched and in which Tolwyn tells James "Paladin" Taggart, that Blair has defected. Tolwyn is sure this means treachery; but Paladin, who has faith in Blair, wonders if he might have had a good reason for it.
Blair picks up a distress signal from the Kilrathi Melek and rescues his friend's convoy. Melek brings with him flight recorder data of the sleek black ships using their incineration weapon against a Kilrathi transport. Sosa plays back the recording and Blair, Eisen, Melek, Hawk, and a few other pilots look over the footage. One of the ships pulls exactly the same move that Blair saw earlier in the attack on the space port, using the ship's afterburners to supercharge and detonate an explosive mine which essentially pushes the ship away at a faster rate. Blair tells everyone that he's witnessed that move before, and so has one other pilot: Hawk. He tells them that when he first signed on with Confed, there was a rookie pilot on his ship who was the only man he met that could pull such a calculating maneuver. He also informs them that there was some talk of a 'G.E.' program, but that he never found out what it was, and the rookie pilot was transferred from the flight roster and into Confed Intelligence Operations. Hawk doesn't know the pilot's real name, but he does recall that the pilot's callsign was 'Seether'. Then Eisen leaves the Intrepid, intent on sneaking back in to Earth and uncovering whatever he can; he leaves Blair in command, with Border Worlds Rear Admiral Eugene Wilford as his immediate superior. The player's next challenge, in the Peleus System, involves a giant electronic warfare ship that is capable of jamming radar, targeting sensors and even shielding. Eventually, the player is given a choice on what system to attend next: at Circe, a fierce civil war has erupted pitting Confed forces against Border Worlds civilians, but the Sparadon System contains many of Confed's latest munitions and vehicles of war. Panther advocates the former, Hawk the latter. Blair's choice immediately affects gameplay, since he receives captured Confederation weaponry if he chooses Sparadon, and also affects the game's ending. In both systems Catscratch gets in over his head while flying a solo mission, and Blair has to decide whether to abandon another mission to bail him out. Besides the obvious loss of a wingman, Sosa is frosty to Blair should he abandon the rookie. Finally, the Intrepid catches wind of a secret Confed freighter sneaking through the area, and Blair is assigned to subdue it so that Dekker and his boys can capture it. Pliers, clambering aboard in the aftermath, discovers a squadron of sleek black fighters and a single example of their incendiary weapon, called "Dragons" and "Flash-Paks" respectively.
The next mission takes place in the Telamon System, which is under biological attack. The vast majority of the colony, particularly Planet FT957, has died. Few survive the attacks, hale and untouched, evidently due to some sort of innate immunity; regardless, the death toll is atrocious. The survivors at the colony implicate sleek black ships in the destruction; supposedly, the visiting Dragons dropped canisters that undoubtedly contained a biological weapon which weeded out the "weaker" elements of the population. Blair traces the attacking Dragons to the Axius System, which he infiltrates. There he discovers a secret starbase, guarded by the TCS Vesuvius, and thousands of black-clad soldiers, led by Seether, who commands when the true leader isn't there. But, today, he is, and Seether respectfully steps aside for his commanding officer: Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn. His "Black Lance" operation is instigating a war between the Border Worlds and Confed, with the goal being constant war-driven evolution of tactics and technology, to prepare the Confederation to meet the next hostile alien race. The Gen-Select Bioweapon, recently tested at Telamon, is the next obvious step in the plan: a virus that kills off all but the most genetically superior. Blair, barely getting over his horror in time, is forced to fight his way out.
The Intrepid, pursued heavily by the Vesuvius and Tolwyn's Black Lance pilots, makes a run toward Earth. Since Tolwyn needs Congressional support to launch his war, it's obvious what he plans to do, and Blair needs to get there first and stop him. The Intrepid must bypass a major starbase in the Ella System, and the player is given the choice to sneak past it or Flash-Pak it—killing thousands of civilians in the process. Besides affecting the game's ending, this choice also determines whether Blair will have the Flash-Pak when it comes time to take out the Vesuvius, a job made slightly easier by the intervention of the TCS Mount St. Helens, sister ship to the Vesuvius and its new captain, Eisen. Finally, Blair duels Seether one-on-one above Earth and then lands at the Congressional Building.
The game's final battle involves not weapons but words. Tolwyn, who has just been promoted to Space Marshal, is in the midst of his "report" on the Border Worlds' "warmongering" when Blair, a shabby figure in his dusty flight suit, slips in. If the player makes a silent entrance and waits for Tolwyn to finish his speech, Tolwyn alerts the chamber guards to arrest Blair and he is not given a chance to speak, instead being executed- which ends the game. If the player instead chooses to make a dramatic entrance, Paladin gives him the chance to speak before the Assembly. The player must then choose from an array of conversational choices, deciding how to best bait Tolwyn into revealing his true agenda and thus prevent a Terran civil war:
BLAIR: (to Tolwyn) What is the expense of these achievements, Admiral? The lives already lost to your Black Lance forces? The millions more who will die if this Assembly votes for war? (to the Assembly) Space Marshal Tolwyn believes that our victory over the Kilrathi was a fluke, that we, as a race, need tinkering with, engineering! If a few billion die along the way—well, they weren't worthy, anyway! Why can't we be more like the Kilrathi—addicted to conflict, the only meaning of life being found in death?! Tell us all, Admiral! Is that the price of freedom?!
TOLWYN: Mankind was at his zenith when fighting the Kilrathi. Now our society is crumbling. We have no goals, no focus. We've grown complacent and confused. Who will protect us when the next race wishes to dominate us? Who can tell where that threat will come from and when? No. We must be prepared. Progress only comes through struggle. Fighting keeps us fit! Conflict ensures our readiness and survival. The Kilrathi understood this. They endured for millions of years, and so will we if we continue fighting. If we continue to perfect our methods of killing—
Paladin will cut Tolwyn off at this point, and if the player has scored enough points against Tolwyn, the Senate votes against war. Tolwyn is then indicted and convicted for his actions; lacking an appeal, he hangs himself in his jail cell, rather than be executed for his betrayal.
The game has multiple endings. If the player won through and outdueled Tolwyn in the war of words, Blair will either be seen helping Panther train new pilots at the Academy or using Black Lance assets to crush rebellions with Hawk at his side, depending on the general tone of his choices throughout the game. If the player made the wrong choices facing Tolwyn, Blair is convicted of treason and executed as the war begins. This also happens if at any time Blair is captured by Confederation forces after his defection, for instance if his carrier is destroyed. If Blair fails enough missions before his defection, he is simply sent back to his farm.
The game includes a large number of branching conversations in which the player must choose what response his character, Christopher Blair, will give; the choice may affect the other person's attitude toward your character, the morale of the entire crew, the player's next assignment and even the game's ending.As the man giving the orders, Blair often gets to choose what ship he will fly, what missiles it will carry, and what wingman (or wingmen) he will take with him.
Released originally in 1995 (for MS-DOS PCs), WCIV was produced on the then-unheard-of budget of USD $12 million. The majority of this budget went into the production of the game's full motion videoFull motion video
Full motion video based games are video games that rely upon pre-recorded TV-quality movie or animation rather than sprites, vectors, or 3D models to display action in the game. In the early 1990s a diverse set of games utilized this format...
, which were shot on actual sets instead of a bluescreen. The original MS-DOS edition shipped on 6 CD-ROM
A CD-ROM is a pre-pressed compact disc that contains data accessible to, but not writable by, a computer for data storage and music playback. The 1985 “Yellow Book” standard developed by Sony and Philips adapted the format to hold any form of binary data....
Origin later released a native-client for Windows/95. The Windows client added a deinterlace-option to improve the appearance of the cutscenes, but was identical to the original MS-DOS game in all other respects. In 1997, a special DVD-ROM edition of the game was released. In the special-edition, the cutscene-video was upgraded to full-DVD quality. As host PCs were insufficiently powerful to play the MPEG2 DVD-video, the game-client relied on Windows/95's multimedia player to stream the video from DVD to a hardware-decoder. This dependency on external hardware rendered the game unplayable outside Windows PCs equipped with the decoder-board. Hence, the game was strategically bundled with DVD-ROM kits that included the necessary decoder-hardware. Later, the gaming community developed patches to allow this version to play on modern hardware where no hardware based MPEG2 decode was available. There was also a separate DVD-release which lacked the enhanced video, and was hence playable on all PCs capable of playing the original CD-ROM release.
Forstchen and Ohlander made a number of significant deviations from the video game with their novelization, rewriting large swathes of background information. Changes include the following:- In the opening sequence of the novel, Blair accidentally replays a holographic message from Rachel Coriolis, establishing why she left him.
- Catscratch and Vagabond are missing almost entirely; they do not defect with Blair and their fate after the loss of the Lexington is unknown. Sosa romances Blair instead of Catscratch, despite a few false starts in which Blair points out that he could be her grandfather (to which Sosa replies, "you'd have to have started early").
- Maniac serves as Blair's second-in-command and begins to grow into the role, developing maturity and no small amount of leadership skills. At the end of the novel he is given a long-overdue promotion to Lieutenant Colonel and assigned as Wing Commander aboard a light carrier. (Despite this, during Marshall's next appearance in Wing Commander ProphecyWing Commander: ProphecyWing Commander: Prophecy is the fourth direct sequel in Chris Roberts' Wing Commander science fiction space combat simulator franchise of computer games. The game was released in 1997, produced by Origin Systems and distributed by Electronic Arts...
he is still a free-wheeling, irresponsible major; this inconsistency in plot and/or canon has not been resolved.) - The Border Worlds' technology is totally rewritten, replacing the video game's Banshee, Vindicator and Avenger with Wing Commander IIWing Commander II: Vengeance of the KilrathiWing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi is the first sequel in Chris Roberts' Wing Commander science fiction space combat simulator franchise of computer games, produced by Origin Systems....
-era fighters. - Tolwyn, though stripped of his rank and ultimately a suicide, is acknowledged by the novel's characters as something of a tragic hero, a man taking on the bitter and unwelcome job of ensuring humanity's survival at any cost—essentially reversing the moral of the video game by suggesting that the ends justify the means. The other difference is that Tolwyn's sentence is life imprisonment in the novel whereas it is execution in the game.
- Blair is known primarily as the "Heart of the Tiger," his Kilrathi warrior-name and the most famous title of the man who ended the war. Pilots' call signAviator call signAn aviator call sign or callsign is a nickname given to a military pilot or other flight officer. This call sign is a substitute for the officer's given name, and is used on name tags, planes, and radio conversations....
s are often bestowed by friends or instructors, and this particular call sign allows Blair to use the considerable weight of his celebrity status as a weapon in combat.