Willye Dennis
Willye F Clayton Dennis is a librarian
A librarian is an information professional trained in library and information science, which is the organization and management of information services or materials for those with information needs...

, civil rights activist and former Florida state legislator.

In 1978, Ms. Dennis founded Fam-Co Learning and Development Center, a non-profit child daycare center. The agency would go on to provide additional counseling services for unwed mothers and at risk teenagers. Over the years to come, Fam-Co would win national praise.

Civil Rights Activism

Willye Dennis served as president of the Jacksonville NAACP Branch from 1994-2004. She was brought to national attention due to a bomb being sent to the headquarters addressed to her. There were also flyers distributed, which offered an award for her assassination.


In 1992, Ms. Dennis was elected as a Democrat to the Florida House of Representatives
Florida House of Representatives
The Florida House of Representatives is the lower house of the Florida Legislature, the state legislature of the U.S. state of Florida. The House is composed of 120 members representing an equal number of districts, with each district having an average population of 156,677.The House convenes at...

District 15 and subsequently reelected. She served as the Vice Chair of the Education K-12 Committee, on the Financial Services Committee and the Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee.


Dennis is Adult Consultant with the St. Paul Community Empowerment Center.
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