Willis family
The Willis family are a fictional family from the Australian Network Ten
soap opera Neighbours
. The first member of the family to appear on-screen was Brad Willis in a guest capacity on 31 October 1989. His younger sister Cody
arrived on 24 November 1989. The head of the family, Doug, moved into Ramsay Street the following year with his wife, Pam. Their eldest children, Adam and Gaby, joined them in 1990 and 1991 respectively. Doug's sister, Faye Hudson, arrived on 28 November 1991 and her son, Cameron Hudson joined her in March 1992. Gaby's son Zac was born on 25 July 1994.
, later to play Cameron Hudson. The character returned in 1991, played by Scott Michaelson
Brad was a very sporty, athletic man, especially into surfing, and was highly popular with women. He had relationships with Lucy Robinson
and Lauren Carpenter
as well as his eventual wife Beth Brennan
. Brad and Beth married in 1993, leaving Erinsborough
for Perth
, made her first on-screen appearance on 24 November 1989. Frid successfully auditioned for the role of Cody and she called the experience a "right time, right place thing", she also added that "it was all kind of surreal." Cody became the second member of the Willis family to arrive in Ramsay Street and she dates both Josh Anderson
(Jeremy Angerson) and Todd Landers
' (Kristian Schmid). Cody is described as a "studious girl".
made his first on-screen appearance on 1 August 1990. Donovan departed in 1994, but returned briefly for the show's 20th anniversary in July 2005.
In 2005, Donovan reprised his role of Doug to join many ex-cast members who returned for Neighbours' 20th anniversay. Doug is described as being a "bit of a Regular Joe who didn't like rocking the boat or standing out from the crowd." He is also "a man's man" who is not afraid of using his fists and takes great pleasure from making home-brewed beer with Lou Carpenter
(Tom Oliver
Doug began working as a builder to support his mother and sister, Faye (Lorraine Bayly
) after his ex-marine father, Bert (Bud Tingwell) returned to the seas. While accepting a dare on a Buck's night
to hail a cab naked, Doug met Pam Beresford (Sue Jones) and they both fell in love. Doug and Pam married in 1967 and had three children.
Doug and Pam purchase Number 28 Ramsay Street. They have dinner with Beverly
(Shaunna O'Grady
) and Jim Robinson
(Alan Dale
) and Doug winds Jim up by flirting with Beverly. When Cody's grades suffer due to her dating Todd Landers
(Kristian Schmid), Doug and Pam ban her from seeing him. Doug goes into business with Paul Robinson
(Stefan Dennis
) and they try to develop a retirement village project in the bush. Local councillor Felicity Brent (Rhona McLeod) tries to oppose it, but fails. Doug and Paul fall into debt over the development costs. The Willises take a further financial hit due to Cody's student exchange fees and them bailing Brad (Scott Michaelson
) out of jail. Gaby
(Rachel Blakely) returns and bails the family out. Brenda Riley (Genevieve Lemon) takes a shine to Doug and constantly flirts with him. Pam accuses Doug of having an affair, but he assures her that he is not.
Faye arrives to stay with the family and Doug is willing to put up with his sister, as she is lonely. However, when Faye tries to get Doug back together with his childhood sweetheart, Alexandra Lomax (Chantal Contouri), he asks her to leave. Faye then moves to Number 32. Jill Weir (Lynn Semler) takes an interest in Doug and leans on him and Pam for support during a custody battle with her mother-in-law over her son, Ross (Che Broadbent). Jill later starts to pursue Doug and he is resistant at first, but gives in after assuming Pam is having an affair with Jim. Doug and Jill have a one night stand, but Doug regrets it and confesses to Pam. She throws him out and files for divorce. However, when Doug and Brad are lost at sea, Pam realises how much she really loves him and they reconcile, when he returns. Doug's father, Bert, arrives and Doug is frosty with him as he walked on the family when he was young. Doug becomes angry when he discovers that Gaby has been in contact with Bert for many years. After learning that Bert is dying, Doug makes peace with his father.
Doug faces more money problems when his company is audited and goes into debt. He sells the business to Constructacon and he is kept on as a foreman. However, he is fired due to poor conditions on the site. Doug sinks into depression and several neighbours try to help him, but he rejects their offers. Doug soon lands a job as a sales representative. Doug and Lou Carpenter begin making their own home-brewed beer and they hide it in the shed of a property Doug is renovating. Doug boss, Andrew "Macca" MacKenzie (John Morris), is not happy, but later joins Doug and Lou in their venture. Gaby gives birth to Zac (Jay Callahan), delighting her parents. Gaby leaves for Darwin and Doug and Pam sell up and join her. Cody dies the following year and Pam brings her body to Darwin to be buried. Years later, Doug receives an invitation from Annalise Hartman
(Kimberley Davies
) to attend a screening of her documentary about Ramsay Street and he returns to Erinsborough with Philip Martin
(Ian Rawlings
). Doug and Philip sneak into Number 22 and paint a fake beard on a sleeping Lou. Doug and Philip catch up with old friends and enjoy a barbecue and watch the documentary. Lou then joins Doug and Philip on a camping trip up north.
The BBC said Doug's most notable moment was "Having an affair with Jill Weir."
debuted on-screen during the episode airing on 6 August 1990. Pam was Erinsborough's district nurse, and highly valued by the whole community. Her marriage to Doug at one point ran into trouble when he had an affair with Jill Weir, though this was eventually sorted out. Pam departed Neighbours in 1994, but she made a brief return in 1996 for several episodes involving the aftermath of the shooting and death of her youngest daughter, Cody.
Pam is characterised by her helpful personality, she loves her four children and continually tries to help them out. Pam extended her caring nature through her time on the show working as a nurse.
Pam is a qualified nurse. She met Doug Willis (Terence Donovan
) after he got into her car, while nude. The couple fell in love and married in 1967 and they had a son, Adam (Ian Williams). Two years later, Pam fell pregnant again, but lost the baby to SIDS
. The experience led her to become a fundraiser for awareness of the condition. In the 1970s, three more children followed, Gaby
(Rachel Blakely), Brad (Scott Michaelson
) and Cody
(Amelia Frid
). After Gaby and Brad left home, Pam and Doug decided to look for a smaller house.
Beverly Marshall
(Shaunna O'Grady
) and her husband, Jim
(Alan Dale
), invite Pam and Doug to dinner at their house, after the Willises purchase Number 28. Doug's flirting with Beverley angers Jim, but Pam defuses the situation by explaining that she is aware of her husband's flirty nature. The family quickly settle in and Pam returns to nursing. She is delighted when Adam and Cody decide to follow her into medicine. Cody's relationship with Todd Landers
(Kristian Schmid) causes friction between the Willis family and the Robinsons. Shortly after Cody leaves for a scholarship in America and Adam relocates to Newcastle, Pam and Doug are joined by Brad and Gaby.
Pam becomes a personal nurse to Garth Kirby (Roy Baldwin), a friend of Doug's. Garth suffers from a terminal illness and he asks for Pam to help end his suffering, but she refuses. Garth dies and an autopsy reveals that he overdosed on his medication. The police charge Pam as they believe she killed him. Pam's nephew, Cameron Hudson (Benjamin Grant Mitchell
) arrives to defend her in court and he realises that Pam left her bag unattended long enough for Garth to steal the medication and later kill himself. Pam is cleared of all charges, but her supervisor, Gail Williams (Hilary Henshaw), gives her a hard time. Pam and Jim begin spending a lot of time together as they work on a fundraising board. Jim admits he has feelings for her, but Pam rebuffs him. Pam later discovers Doug has had a one-night stand with Jill Weir (Lyn Semmler) and she throws him out. Pam seeks comfort in Jim's arms and they kiss. When Doug and Brad go missing at sea, Pam is worried. When they are found, Pam halts her divorce plans and forgives Doug.
Pam finds herself at odds with Brad's new girlfriend, Lauren Carpenter
(Sarah Vandenbergh
) as Brad had been previously engaged to Beth Brennan
(Natalie Imbruglia
), but had cheated on her with Lauren. When it emerges Brad is gambling, Pam falls out with him further leading him to move in with Lauren and her father Lou
(Tom Oliver
). However, Brad and Pam patch up their differences, before Brad leaves on a crusie ship for several months. Pam is thrilled when Brad and Beth get back together and get engaged. When Pam and Beth's mother, Bunny (Jan Huggett), start interfering, Brad and Beth decide to elope. Pam, Doug and Bunny track down the couple, but Brad and Beth do not have the heart to tell their parents that they are already married, so they agree to a second wedding ceremony at Number 26. Shortly after Cody returns from America, Pam notices the changes in her mood. This stems from the fact Cody's marriage to Drew Grover (Christopher Kirby) has ended and a lot of her old friends have since moved on. Pam later becomes suspicous when Cody begins seeing Michael Martin
(Troy Beckwith) who has recently been released from juvenile detention. This causes a rift between Pam and Julie (Julie Mullins), Michael's stepmother. When Pam and Julie spot Michael and Danni Stark
(Eliza Szonert
) with syringes, they believe Michael is a junkie, but it transpires that Danni is a diabetic and the syringes contain her insulin.
Gaby gives birth to Zac (Jay Callahan) and Pam is delighted to become a grandmother. Gaby leaves for Darwin
and Pam and Doug decide to move up there too. They sell Number 28 to the Kennedy family. Cody is shot during a siege between police and drug dealers and Pam hurries back down to Erinsborough to be by her bedside. Karl
(Alan Fletcher) and Susan Kennedy
(Jackie Woodburne
) invite Pam to dinner in her old home. When Pam goes into hospital to visit Cody that evening, Cody seems as if she may make a full recovery, but she goes into cardiac arrest and is rushed into theatre She dies, leaving Pam devastated. Pam arranges for Cody's funeral to be held in Darwin, but a memorial service is held for her at Lassiter's Lake. Pam then returns home.
Josephine Monroe praised Pam in her book titled "Neighbours: The first 10 years" stating: "A real salt-of-the-earth-type. Pam could always be relied on to help out, especially if it benefited one of her four children." The BBC
said Pam's most notable moment was "Kicking Doug out of the house after having he told her about his affair with Jill Weir."
, another Grundy
production. Williams said the part appealed to him as it was flexible and Adam's humour kept him "fired up." Williams explained that he felt similar to his character as they both loved their families, but he was not impressed with Adam's naivety.
Adam is the eldest child of Doug (Terence Donovan
) and Pam Willis (Sue Jones
). When his parents and his younger sister Cody
(Amelia Frid
) decide to move to a smaller house in Ramsay Street, Adam opts to move with them as living on his own will be expensive as he is a medical student. The family move into Number 28 and Adam soon takes a job working for as a chauffeur for Helen Daniels
's (Anne Haddy
) limousine company Home James.
Adam soon falls for Caroline Alessi
(Gillian Blakeney) and but she is involved with Jim Robinson
(Alan Dale
). Adam competes with Jim to win Caroline's affections which culminates in Adam injuring Jim during basketball practice, which fails to impress Caroline. After Jim and Caroline break up, Caroline realises she is attracted to Adam
and they begin dating. However, Adam's struggle with expenses in his student lifestyle leave him feeling inferior; and as a result he and Caroline split but remain good friends.
After struggling at university, Adam decides he wants to give up medicine and drops out to join Doug on his building site. Doug, however isn't convinced and engineers a plan to make Adam's time on the site miserable so he will return to medicine. The plan is successful and Adam returns to university to pursue his degree, much to Pam's delight.
Adam later falls for Gemma Ramsay
(Beth Buchanan
). Gemma is reluctant to commit to him after a failed relationship with Glen Donnelly
(Richard Huggett
), but realises she has strong feelings for him and they become a couple. Several months into the relationship, Gemma receives a job offer in Newcastle
at an animal sanctuary and she leaves. Adam follows her a month later when he transfers to a local university. Adam completes his studies and becomes a doctor. He and Gemma become engaged.
said Adam's most notable moment was "Chauffeuring a Lassiter’s client while wearing a toga."
made her first on-screen appearance 12 August 1991. A highly ambitious woman who works in the Robinson Corporation, though her aggressive nature is somewhat tempered after she gives birth to son Zac. Gaby becomes the proprietor of the upmarket boutique "Gabrielle's" until her departure in 1994. In 2005, Blakely was one of over twenty ex-cast members who returned to Neighbours to appear in Annalise Hartman
's documentary film about Ramsay Street
, made her first on-screen appearance on 28 November 1991 and departed on 14 May 1992.
Faye arrives in Erinsborough and begins staying at Number 28 much to the consternation of her brother, Doug (Terence Donovan
), and his family. During the first day of her arrival, she scolds Toby Mangel
(Ben Guerens
) for playing with snails, which Doug has asked him to collect and criticizes Pam's cooking. Faye's presence serves to irritate the family when she meddles in their affairs and generally takes over the house. The family try various schemes to get rid of her but they backfire. Faye leaves for a short holiday with Nev Cusack (Ewing), a friend of Doug's and when she returns Faye reveals that she and Nev are engaged. On the day of the wedding, Doug is forced to break the news that Nev has jilted her. After her initial unhappiness, Faye pursues Jim Robinson
(Alan Dale
) much to his displeasure. Jim enlists Dorothy Burke
's (Maggie Dence
) help to stage a cover that they are a couple to ward off Faye's attention.
Faye's stay with the Willises comes to an end when she oversteps the mark by inviting Doug's childhood sweetheart, Alexandra Lomax to dinner and telling Pam that Doug only married her on the rebound. Doug tells her to leave and she does, only to move two doors down to Number 32 which she rents from Helen Daniels
(Anne Haddy
). Cameron (Benjamin Grant Mitchell
), Faye's estranged son arrives to defend Pam on a murder charge and later moves in with her after they repair their relationship. Gaby
(Rachel Blakely
), Faye's niece opens her own fashion boutique Gabrielle's at the Lassiter's complex and Faye cannot help but interfere. One night, Faye fails to turn off a heater, which results in the shop burning down. For a while she remains silent but confesses to a furious Gaby. The insurance company take a suit against Faye and she flees Erinsborough under the cover of darkness in a cab. Faye later communicates with the family via postcards and is last known to be living in Paris
said Faye's most notable moment was "Being jilted at the altar by Nev Cusack."
), who arrives in Ramsay Street
in to defend his aunt Pam Willis (Sue Jones) who is accused of murdering Garth Kirby (Roy Baldwin). Cameron is able to prove Pam's innocence succesfully. Cameron repairs his fraught relationship with Faye and moves in with her at Number 32. After Faye
moves out, Cameron invites Beth Brennan
(Natalie Imbruglia
) to move in with him. Cameron becomes involved with Jacqueline Summers (Tiffany Lamb) after he helps her on a case but the relationship ends when he finds that he could be facing legal proceedings for becoming involved with a client and when Jacqueline realises he is not completely convinced of her innocence in the case.
Cameron later finds himself offside with the Martin family when he defends Raymond Chambers (Greg Parker) who is accused of trying to abduct Hannah (Rebecca Ritters
). Despite Chambers' ex-wife mentioning that he had previously tried to kidnap their daughter in Hong Kong and eyewitness testimony from Toby Mangel
(Ben Guerens
), Chambers is acquitted, furthering Cameron's stress and he begins to doubt himself as a lawyer. When Cameron intervenes in a confrontation between Chambers and Toby, He is even more convinced of Chambers' guilt and when Cameron arrives home, he finds Chambers' waiting for him in the dark and he blames Cameron for his life being ruined. Cameron forces Chambers to get help and after he breaks down in tears, Chambers hands himself into the police and confesses to the abduction. The Martins apologise for their treatment of Cameron.
After Helen Daniels
(Anne Haddy
wants to rent Number 32 to the Martins, Cameron and Beth move in with Lou Carpenter
(Tom Oliver
). During this, Cameron does some investigating and discovers Gavin Heywood (Peter Hosking) is involved in some shady business. When Heywood catches Cameron, He has him roughed up by some thugs and is about to have him thrown down a lift shaft. Cameron offers to work for Heywood to prevent being killed and uses this to gain more information.
Heywood then begins involving members of Cameron's family in his business.
Cameron's life is endangered again when he overhears Heywood and his associate Noddy (Richard Piper) plot to kill him but he engineers a plan which results in Heywood's downfall. Cameron then changes career track and becomes a journalist for the Erinsborough news but is frustrated and surprises everyone with his next career choice; stand-up comedy
When Lou's daughter, Lauren
(Sarah Vandenberg) arrives from Queensland
, Cameron is smitten with her but does not know she is having an affair with Cameron's cousin, Brad (Scott Michaelson
). In order to ward off Cameron's suspicions, Lauren agrees to go out with him. The truth later emerges and Cameron leaves Erinsborough in disgust.
tried to choose the characters she would be most starstruck by if she met them. She said "It would have to be the Willis family. All of them. Pam, Doug, Adam, Gaby, Brad and Cody".
Network Ten
Network Ten , is one of Australia's three major commercial television networks. Owned-and-operated stations can be found in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth, while affiliates extend the network to cover most of the country...
soap opera Neighbours
Neighbours is an Australian television soap opera first broadcast on the Seven Network on 18 March 1985. It was created by TV executive Reg Watson, who proposed the idea of making a show that focused on realistic stories and portrayed adults and teenagers who talk openly and solve their problems...
. The first member of the family to appear on-screen was Brad Willis in a guest capacity on 31 October 1989. His younger sister Cody
Cody Willis
Cody Willis is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, originally played by Amelia Frid. She made her first on-screen appearance on 24 November 1989. The character departed in 1991, but returned in 1993 with Peta Brady in the role...
arrived on 24 November 1989. The head of the family, Doug, moved into Ramsay Street the following year with his wife, Pam. Their eldest children, Adam and Gaby, joined them in 1990 and 1991 respectively. Doug's sister, Faye Hudson, arrived on 28 November 1991 and her son, Cameron Hudson joined her in March 1992. Gaby's son Zac was born on 25 July 1994.
Brad Willis
Bradley "Brad" Willis first appeared as a guest character in two 1989 episodes played by Benjamin Grant MitchellBenjamin Grant Mitchell
Benjamin Grant Mitchell is a writer, singer and actor now living in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of The Last Great Day, an 'autobiographical' novel released in 2011....
, later to play Cameron Hudson. The character returned in 1991, played by Scott Michaelson
Scott Michaelson
Scott Michaelson is an Australian actor and manager who is most famous for playing Brad Willis in Neighbours...
Brad was a very sporty, athletic man, especially into surfing, and was highly popular with women. He had relationships with Lucy Robinson
Lucy Robinson
Lucy Robinson is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Melissa Bell. She had previously been portrayed by Kylie Flinker and Sasha Close. She was created by producer Reg Watson as one of Neighbours' original characters. Lucy was a prominent figure...
and Lauren Carpenter
Lauren Carpenter
Lauren Carpenter is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Sarah Vandenbergh. She made her first on-screen appearance on 18 February 1993. Lauren is the youngest child of Kathy and Lou Carpenter and sister to Guy...
as well as his eventual wife Beth Brennan
Beth Brennan
Elizabeth "Beth" Willis is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Natalie Imbruglia. She made her debut on-screen during the episode airing on 6 January 1992. She married Brad Willis in 1993, and the couple left Erinsborough for Perth. Behind the...
. Brad and Beth married in 1993, leaving Erinsborough
Erinsborough is the fictional suburb in which the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours is set. The show focuses on the domestic and professional lives of the people who live and work in the suburb...
for Perth
Perth, Western Australia
Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia and the fourth most populous city in Australia. The Perth metropolitan area has an estimated population of almost 1,700,000....
Cody Willis
Cody Willis, played by Amelia FridAmelia Frid
Amelia Frid is an Australian actress who played Cody Willis in Neighbours. She retired from acting to concentrate on studies and her current profession is forensic psychology. Frid's final appearance in Neighbours as Cody Willis was 30 July 1991 which was her 16th birthday...
, made her first on-screen appearance on 24 November 1989. Frid successfully auditioned for the role of Cody and she called the experience a "right time, right place thing", she also added that "it was all kind of surreal." Cody became the second member of the Willis family to arrive in Ramsay Street and she dates both Josh Anderson
Josh Anderson (Neighbours)
Josh Anderson may refer to:*Josh Anderson , character who appeared on the soap opera Neighbours*Josh Anderson , Major League Baseball outfielder...
(Jeremy Angerson) and Todd Landers
Todd Landers
Not to be confused with Simpsons character Todd FlandersTodd Robert Landers is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Kristian Schmid. He made his first on-screen appearance on 15 February 1988. Todd died on 13 July 1992, but reappeared as a ghost the...
' (Kristian Schmid). Cody is described as a "studious girl".
Doug Willis
Douglas "Doug" Willis , played by Terence DonovanTerence Donovan (actor)
Terence Donovan , also known as Terry Donovan, is an English-born Australian actor and the father of fellow actor and entertainer Jason Donovan...
made his first on-screen appearance on 1 August 1990. Donovan departed in 1994, but returned briefly for the show's 20th anniversary in July 2005.
In 2005, Donovan reprised his role of Doug to join many ex-cast members who returned for Neighbours
Lou Carpenter
Louis "Lou" Carpenter is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Tom Oliver. He made his first on-screen appearance on 30 March 1988. Lou appeared for a brief time, before leaving and later returning in January 1992 as a regular cast member. He is the longest...
(Tom Oliver
Tom Oliver
Tom Oliver is an English television, film and theatre actor best known today for playing the role of Lou Carpenter in the Australian soap opera Neighbours.-Career:...
Doug began working as a builder to support his mother and sister, Faye (Lorraine Bayly
Lorraine Bayly
Lorraine Daphne Bayly AM is an Australian actress.She is best known to television audiences for her portrayal of Grace Sullivan, the dignified, warm-hearted mother figure in the drama series The Sullivans 1976-1979, dealing with life for an ordinary Australian family during the Second World...
) after his ex-marine father, Bert (Bud Tingwell) returned to the seas. While accepting a dare on a Buck's night
Bachelor party
A bachelor party , also known as a stag party, stag night or stag do , a bull's party , or a buck's party or buck's night , is a party held for a man shortly before he enters marriage, to celebrate his "last night of freedom" or merely to spend...
to hail a cab naked, Doug met Pam Beresford (Sue Jones) and they both fell in love. Doug and Pam married in 1967 and had three children.
Doug and Pam purchase Number 28 Ramsay Street. They have dinner with Beverly
Beverly Marshall
Beverly Marshall is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours. The character was originally played by Lisa Armytage and she made her first on-screen appearance on 6 July 1987. Shaunna O'Grady took over from Armytage and began playing the character from 16 March 1989 until her...
(Shaunna O'Grady
Shaunna O'Grady
Shaunna O'Grady is an Australian actress who played the second incarnation of Jim Robinson's wife, Beverley Marshall on the long running soap opera Neighbours. She is the grand-daughter of writer John O'Grady , and is married to the television director Chris Adshead.-External links:...
) and Jim Robinson
Jim Robinson (Neighbours)
James "Jim" Robinson is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Alan Dale. He made his first on-screen appearance on 18 March 1985, which was the shows first episode. Jim was the patriarch of the Robinson family. Dale departed the show in 1993 after...
(Alan Dale
Alan Dale
Alan Hugh Dale is a New Zealand actor. As a child, Dale developed a love of theatre and also became a rugby player. After retiring from the sport he took on a number of professions to support his family, before deciding to become a professional actor at the age of 27. With work limited in New...
) and Doug winds Jim up by flirting with Beverly. When Cody's grades suffer due to her dating Todd Landers
Todd Landers
Not to be confused with Simpsons character Todd FlandersTodd Robert Landers is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Kristian Schmid. He made his first on-screen appearance on 15 February 1988. Todd died on 13 July 1992, but reappeared as a ghost the...
(Kristian Schmid), Doug and Pam ban her from seeing him. Doug goes into business with Paul Robinson
Paul Robinson (Neighbours)
Paul Stewart Robinson is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, a long-running serial drama about social life in the fictional Melbourne suburb of Erinsborough. He is played by Stefan Dennis. Paul debuted in the serial's first episode in 1985 and appeared on a...
(Stefan Dennis
Stefan Dennis
Stefan Dennis is an Australian actor, best known for playing the role of Paul Robinson in the soap opera, Neighbours, from its first episode in March 1985 to the present day...
) and they try to develop a retirement village project in the bush. Local councillor Felicity Brent (Rhona McLeod) tries to oppose it, but fails. Doug and Paul fall into debt over the development costs. The Willises take a further financial hit due to Cody's student exchange fees and them bailing Brad (Scott Michaelson
Scott Michaelson
Scott Michaelson is an Australian actor and manager who is most famous for playing Brad Willis in Neighbours...
) out of jail. Gaby
Gaby Willis
Gabrielle "Gaby" Willis is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Rachel Blakely. She made her first on-screen appearance 12 August 1991. The character departed in 1994. Blakely reprised her role in 2005 for the show's 20th anniversary.-Casting:Blakely was...
(Rachel Blakely) returns and bails the family out. Brenda Riley (Genevieve Lemon) takes a shine to Doug and constantly flirts with him. Pam accuses Doug of having an affair, but he assures her that he is not.
Faye arrives to stay with the family and Doug is willing to put up with his sister, as she is lonely. However, when Faye tries to get Doug back together with his childhood sweetheart, Alexandra Lomax (Chantal Contouri), he asks her to leave. Faye then moves to Number 32. Jill Weir (Lynn Semler) takes an interest in Doug and leans on him and Pam for support during a custody battle with her mother-in-law over her son, Ross (Che Broadbent). Jill later starts to pursue Doug and he is resistant at first, but gives in after assuming Pam is having an affair with Jim. Doug and Jill have a one night stand, but Doug regrets it and confesses to Pam. She throws him out and files for divorce. However, when Doug and Brad are lost at sea, Pam realises how much she really loves him and they reconcile, when he returns. Doug's father, Bert, arrives and Doug is frosty with him as he walked on the family when he was young. Doug becomes angry when he discovers that Gaby has been in contact with Bert for many years. After learning that Bert is dying, Doug makes peace with his father.
Doug faces more money problems when his company is audited and goes into debt. He sells the business to Constructacon and he is kept on as a foreman. However, he is fired due to poor conditions on the site. Doug sinks into depression and several neighbours try to help him, but he rejects their offers. Doug soon lands a job as a sales representative. Doug and Lou Carpenter begin making their own home-brewed beer and they hide it in the shed of a property Doug is renovating. Doug boss, Andrew "Macca" MacKenzie (John Morris), is not happy, but later joins Doug and Lou in their venture. Gaby gives birth to Zac (Jay Callahan), delighting her parents. Gaby leaves for Darwin and Doug and Pam sell up and join her. Cody dies the following year and Pam brings her body to Darwin to be buried. Years later, Doug receives an invitation from Annalise Hartman
Annalise Hartman
Annalise Kratz is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Kimberley Davies. She debuted on-screen in the episode airing on 15 January 1993 and departed in 1996, and a brief return in 2005. Annalise has often been portrayed as having a conniving persona...
(Kimberley Davies
Kimberley Davies
Kimberley Davies is an Australian actress most famous for playing Annalise Hartman on the Australian soap opera Neighbours from 1993 to 1996...
) to attend a screening of her documentary about Ramsay Street and he returns to Erinsborough with Philip Martin
Philip Martin (Neighbours)
Philip Gordon Martin is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Ian Rawlings. Originally played by Christopher Milne during the character's first appearance in 1985, Rawlings took over the role when the character returned to the show in 1992 and...
(Ian Rawlings
Ian Rawlings
Ian Rawlings is an Australian actor. He had two long-running roles in Australian soap operas.-Television Work:He started out playing the role of the spiteful and scheming Wayne Hamilton in Sons and Daughters...
). Doug and Philip sneak into Number 22 and paint a fake beard on a sleeping Lou. Doug and Philip catch up with old friends and enjoy a barbecue and watch the documentary. Lou then joins Doug and Philip on a camping trip up north.
The BBC said Doug's most notable moment was "Having an affair with Jill Weir."
Pam Willis
Pamela "Pam" Willis (née Beresford), played by Sue JonesSue Jones (actress)
Sue Jones is an Australian actress, born in Wales, UK. She is probably best known for playing Pam Willis in Neighbours from 1990 to 1994. She had also played an on-going role in the situation comedy The Tea Ladies , and was Kathy Hall in Prisoner in 1981...
debuted on-screen during the episode airing on 6 August 1990. Pam was Erinsborough's district nurse, and highly valued by the whole community. Her marriage to Doug at one point ran into trouble when he had an affair with Jill Weir, though this was eventually sorted out. Pam departed Neighbours in 1994, but she made a brief return in 1996 for several episodes involving the aftermath of the shooting and death of her youngest daughter, Cody.
Pam is characterised by her helpful personality, she loves her four children and continually tries to help them out. Pam extended her caring nature through her time on the show working as a nurse.
Pam is a qualified nurse. She met Doug Willis (Terence Donovan
Terence Donovan (actor)
Terence Donovan , also known as Terry Donovan, is an English-born Australian actor and the father of fellow actor and entertainer Jason Donovan...
) after he got into her car, while nude. The couple fell in love and married in 1967 and they had a son, Adam (Ian Williams). Two years later, Pam fell pregnant again, but lost the baby to SIDS
Sudden infant death syndrome
Sudden infant death syndrome is marked by the sudden death of an infant that is unexpected by medical history, and remains unexplained after a thorough forensic autopsy and a detailed death scene investigation. An infant is at the highest risk for SIDS during sleep, which is why it is sometimes...
. The experience led her to become a fundraiser for awareness of the condition. In the 1970s, three more children followed, Gaby
Gaby Willis
Gabrielle "Gaby" Willis is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Rachel Blakely. She made her first on-screen appearance 12 August 1991. The character departed in 1994. Blakely reprised her role in 2005 for the show's 20th anniversary.-Casting:Blakely was...
(Rachel Blakely), Brad (Scott Michaelson
Scott Michaelson
Scott Michaelson is an Australian actor and manager who is most famous for playing Brad Willis in Neighbours...
) and Cody
Cody Willis
Cody Willis is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, originally played by Amelia Frid. She made her first on-screen appearance on 24 November 1989. The character departed in 1991, but returned in 1993 with Peta Brady in the role...
(Amelia Frid
Amelia Frid
Amelia Frid is an Australian actress who played Cody Willis in Neighbours. She retired from acting to concentrate on studies and her current profession is forensic psychology. Frid's final appearance in Neighbours as Cody Willis was 30 July 1991 which was her 16th birthday...
). After Gaby and Brad left home, Pam and Doug decided to look for a smaller house.
Beverly Marshall
Beverly Marshall
Beverly Marshall is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours. The character was originally played by Lisa Armytage and she made her first on-screen appearance on 6 July 1987. Shaunna O'Grady took over from Armytage and began playing the character from 16 March 1989 until her...
(Shaunna O'Grady
Shaunna O'Grady
Shaunna O'Grady is an Australian actress who played the second incarnation of Jim Robinson's wife, Beverley Marshall on the long running soap opera Neighbours. She is the grand-daughter of writer John O'Grady , and is married to the television director Chris Adshead.-External links:...
) and her husband, Jim
Jim Robinson (Neighbours)
James "Jim" Robinson is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Alan Dale. He made his first on-screen appearance on 18 March 1985, which was the shows first episode. Jim was the patriarch of the Robinson family. Dale departed the show in 1993 after...
(Alan Dale
Alan Dale
Alan Hugh Dale is a New Zealand actor. As a child, Dale developed a love of theatre and also became a rugby player. After retiring from the sport he took on a number of professions to support his family, before deciding to become a professional actor at the age of 27. With work limited in New...
), invite Pam and Doug to dinner at their house, after the Willises purchase Number 28. Doug's flirting with Beverley angers Jim, but Pam defuses the situation by explaining that she is aware of her husband's flirty nature. The family quickly settle in and Pam returns to nursing. She is delighted when Adam and Cody decide to follow her into medicine. Cody's relationship with Todd Landers
Todd Landers
Not to be confused with Simpsons character Todd FlandersTodd Robert Landers is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Kristian Schmid. He made his first on-screen appearance on 15 February 1988. Todd died on 13 July 1992, but reappeared as a ghost the...
(Kristian Schmid) causes friction between the Willis family and the Robinsons. Shortly after Cody leaves for a scholarship in America and Adam relocates to Newcastle, Pam and Doug are joined by Brad and Gaby.
Pam becomes a personal nurse to Garth Kirby (Roy Baldwin), a friend of Doug's. Garth suffers from a terminal illness and he asks for Pam to help end his suffering, but she refuses. Garth dies and an autopsy reveals that he overdosed on his medication. The police charge Pam as they believe she killed him. Pam's nephew, Cameron Hudson (Benjamin Grant Mitchell
Benjamin Grant Mitchell
Benjamin Grant Mitchell is a writer, singer and actor now living in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of The Last Great Day, an 'autobiographical' novel released in 2011....
) arrives to defend her in court and he realises that Pam left her bag unattended long enough for Garth to steal the medication and later kill himself. Pam is cleared of all charges, but her supervisor, Gail Williams (Hilary Henshaw), gives her a hard time. Pam and Jim begin spending a lot of time together as they work on a fundraising board. Jim admits he has feelings for her, but Pam rebuffs him. Pam later discovers Doug has had a one-night stand with Jill Weir (Lyn Semmler) and she throws him out. Pam seeks comfort in Jim's arms and they kiss. When Doug and Brad go missing at sea, Pam is worried. When they are found, Pam halts her divorce plans and forgives Doug.
Pam finds herself at odds with Brad's new girlfriend, Lauren Carpenter
Lauren Carpenter
Lauren Carpenter is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Sarah Vandenbergh. She made her first on-screen appearance on 18 February 1993. Lauren is the youngest child of Kathy and Lou Carpenter and sister to Guy...
(Sarah Vandenbergh
Sarah Vandenbergh
Sarah Vandenbergh is an Australian actress.Vandenbergh played the role of Lauren Carpenter in Neighbours, 1993–94, and Kerry in Hollyoaks, 1999–2000. She was also a presenter on Fully Booked in 1997 and has appeared in the guest role of Lana Hemmings in Holby City...
) as Brad had been previously engaged to Beth Brennan
Beth Brennan
Elizabeth "Beth" Willis is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Natalie Imbruglia. She made her debut on-screen during the episode airing on 6 January 1992. She married Brad Willis in 1993, and the couple left Erinsborough for Perth. Behind the...
(Natalie Imbruglia
Natalie Imbruglia
Natalie Jane Imbruglia is an Australian singer-songwriter, model and actress. In the early 1990s, Imbruglia was known to audiences as Beth Brennan in the popular Australian soap Neighbours. Three years after leaving the programme, Imbruglia launched a singing career with the international hit,...
), but had cheated on her with Lauren. When it emerges Brad is gambling, Pam falls out with him further leading him to move in with Lauren and her father Lou
Lou Carpenter
Louis "Lou" Carpenter is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Tom Oliver. He made his first on-screen appearance on 30 March 1988. Lou appeared for a brief time, before leaving and later returning in January 1992 as a regular cast member. He is the longest...
(Tom Oliver
Tom Oliver
Tom Oliver is an English television, film and theatre actor best known today for playing the role of Lou Carpenter in the Australian soap opera Neighbours.-Career:...
). However, Brad and Pam patch up their differences, before Brad leaves on a crusie ship for several months. Pam is thrilled when Brad and Beth get back together and get engaged. When Pam and Beth's mother, Bunny (Jan Huggett), start interfering, Brad and Beth decide to elope. Pam, Doug and Bunny track down the couple, but Brad and Beth do not have the heart to tell their parents that they are already married, so they agree to a second wedding ceremony at Number 26. Shortly after Cody returns from America, Pam notices the changes in her mood. This stems from the fact Cody's marriage to Drew Grover (Christopher Kirby) has ended and a lot of her old friends have since moved on. Pam later becomes suspicous when Cody begins seeing Michael Martin
Michael Martin (Neighbours)
Michael Martin is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Troy Beckwith. He made his first on-screen appearance on 8 October 1985. The character was originally played by Samuel Hammington. Beckwith took over the role in 1992...
(Troy Beckwith) who has recently been released from juvenile detention. This causes a rift between Pam and Julie (Julie Mullins), Michael's stepmother. When Pam and Julie spot Michael and Danni Stark
Danni Stark
Danielle "Danni" Stark is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Eliza Szonert. She debuted on-screen during the episode airing on 30 November 1993 and remained in the show until 13 November 1996, with a brief cameo in 2005 in Annalise Hartman's...
(Eliza Szonert
Eliza Szonert
Eliza Szonert is an Australian actress.Szonert is best known for playing Danni Stark in Australia's long-running soap opera, Neighbours, from 1993 to 1996. Szonert reprised the role in 2005 for the show's 20th anniversary....
) with syringes, they believe Michael is a junkie, but it transpires that Danni is a diabetic and the syringes contain her insulin.
Gaby gives birth to Zac (Jay Callahan) and Pam is delighted to become a grandmother. Gaby leaves for Darwin
Darwin, Northern Territory
Darwin is the capital city of the Northern Territory, Australia. Situated on the Timor Sea, Darwin has a population of 127,500, making it by far the largest and most populated city in the sparsely populated Northern Territory, but the least populous of all Australia's capital cities...
and Pam and Doug decide to move up there too. They sell Number 28 to the Kennedy family. Cody is shot during a siege between police and drug dealers and Pam hurries back down to Erinsborough to be by her bedside. Karl
Karl Kennedy
Karl Raymond Kennedy is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Alan Fletcher. The character and his family were created by storyliners in an attempt to bring the show back to its roots. Karl made his first on-screen appearance on 20 September 1994 along with his...
(Alan Fletcher) and Susan Kennedy
Susan Kennedy
Susan Kennedy , is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Jackie Woodburne. The character and her family were created by storyliners in an attempt to bring the show back to its roots. Susan made her first on-screen appearance on 3 October 1994 along...
(Jackie Woodburne
Jackie Woodburne
Jackie Woodburne is a Northern Irish-born Australian actress.-Personal life:Woodburne was born in Carrickfergus, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Her father was a member of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. She has two older siblings: John and Stephen. At age three she emigrated with her family to...
) invite Pam to dinner in her old home. When Pam goes into hospital to visit Cody that evening, Cody seems as if she may make a full recovery, but she goes into cardiac arrest and is rushed into theatre She dies, leaving Pam devastated. Pam arranges for Cody's funeral to be held in Darwin, but a memorial service is held for her at Lassiter's Lake. Pam then returns home.
Josephine Monroe praised Pam in her book titled "Neighbours: The first 10 years" stating: "A real salt-of-the-earth-type. Pam could always be relied on to help out, especially if it benefited one of her four children." The BBC
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters is at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London. It is the largest broadcaster in the world, with about 23,000 staff...
said Pam's most notable moment was "Kicking Doug out of the house after having he told her about his affair with Jill Weir."
Adam Willis
Adam Willis, played by Ian Williams, made his first appearance on 9 August 1990. Williams was invited to play the role of Adam shortly after he appeared in BonyBony (TV series)
Bony is an Australian television series made in 1992. The series of 13 episodes followed on from a telemovie made in 1990. The series was criticised for casting a white man as the title character Detective David John Bonaparte , under the tutelage of "Uncle Albert", an elderly Aborigine played by...
, another Grundy
Reg Grundy Organisation
The Reg Grundy Organisation was an Australian television production company founded in 1959 by businessman Reg Grundy . It has since branched out into Europe and the USA. The company first produced game shows, before branching into soap operas in 1973...
production. Williams said the part appealed to him as it was flexible and Adam's humour kept him "fired up." Williams explained that he felt similar to his character as they both loved their families, but he was not impressed with Adam's naivety.
Adam is the eldest child of Doug (Terence Donovan
Terence Donovan
Terence Donovan may refer to:*Terence Donovan, Baron Donovan , British Labour Party Member of Parliament 1945–1950, Law Lord 1964–1971*Terence Donovan , Australian actor, and father of Jason Donovan...
) and Pam Willis (Sue Jones
Sue Jones (actress)
Sue Jones is an Australian actress, born in Wales, UK. She is probably best known for playing Pam Willis in Neighbours from 1990 to 1994. She had also played an on-going role in the situation comedy The Tea Ladies , and was Kathy Hall in Prisoner in 1981...
). When his parents and his younger sister Cody
Cody Willis
Cody Willis is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, originally played by Amelia Frid. She made her first on-screen appearance on 24 November 1989. The character departed in 1991, but returned in 1993 with Peta Brady in the role...
(Amelia Frid
Amelia Frid
Amelia Frid is an Australian actress who played Cody Willis in Neighbours. She retired from acting to concentrate on studies and her current profession is forensic psychology. Frid's final appearance in Neighbours as Cody Willis was 30 July 1991 which was her 16th birthday...
) decide to move to a smaller house in Ramsay Street, Adam opts to move with them as living on his own will be expensive as he is a medical student. The family move into Number 28 and Adam soon takes a job working for as a chauffeur for Helen Daniels
Helen Daniels
Helen Daniels is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, portrayed by Anne Haddy. Following the death of Jim Robinson in 1993, she remained the only original character left in the series until her own death in 1997, making her the second longest-serving original character...
's (Anne Haddy
Anne Haddy
Anne Haddy was an Australian film and television actress, best known for her role in the long-running soap opera, Neighbours.-Early and personal life:...
) limousine company Home James.
Adam soon falls for Caroline Alessi
Caroline Alessi
Caroline Alessi is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Gillian Blakeney. She made her first on-screen appearance on 18 January 1990 and remained until 11 May 1992.-Characterisation:...
(Gillian Blakeney) and but she is involved with Jim Robinson
Jim Robinson (Neighbours)
James "Jim" Robinson is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Alan Dale. He made his first on-screen appearance on 18 March 1985, which was the shows first episode. Jim was the patriarch of the Robinson family. Dale departed the show in 1993 after...
(Alan Dale
Alan Dale
Alan Hugh Dale is a New Zealand actor. As a child, Dale developed a love of theatre and also became a rugby player. After retiring from the sport he took on a number of professions to support his family, before deciding to become a professional actor at the age of 27. With work limited in New...
). Adam competes with Jim to win Caroline's affections which culminates in Adam injuring Jim during basketball practice, which fails to impress Caroline. After Jim and Caroline break up, Caroline realises she is attracted to Adam
and they begin dating. However, Adam's struggle with expenses in his student lifestyle leave him feeling inferior; and as a result he and Caroline split but remain good friends.
After struggling at university, Adam decides he wants to give up medicine and drops out to join Doug on his building site. Doug, however isn't convinced and engineers a plan to make Adam's time on the site miserable so he will return to medicine. The plan is successful and Adam returns to university to pursue his degree, much to Pam's delight.
Adam later falls for Gemma Ramsay
Gemma Ramsay
Gemma Ramsay is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Beth Buchanan. She made her first on-screen appearance on 20 June 1990 and departed on 25 July 1991.-Storylines:...
(Beth Buchanan
Beth Buchanan
Beth Buchanan is an Australian actress. She is best known for the television roles of Gemma Ramsay in Neighbours, in the early '90s, and Susan Croydon in Blue Heelers from 1994. She is also a long-standing member of the Ranters Theatre company.-Early life:Buchanan is the daughter of musician Tony...
). Gemma is reluctant to commit to him after a failed relationship with Glen Donnelly
Glen Donnelly
Glen Donnelly is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Richard Huggett. He made his first on-screen appearance on 7 December 1990. Glen was the secret son of Jim Robinson. He arrives in Ramsay Street to meet his father and to ask for money to pay for his...
(Richard Huggett
Richard Huggett
Richard John Huggett is a British citizen noted for standing in a variety of elections using descriptions which were similar, but not identical, to those of established political parties, leading to this practice being outlawed under the Registration of Political Parties Act 1998.Most notably he...
), but realises she has strong feelings for him and they become a couple. Several months into the relationship, Gemma receives a job offer in Newcastle
Newcastle, New South Wales
The Newcastle metropolitan area is the second most populated area in the Australian state of New South Wales and includes most of the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie Local Government Areas...
at an animal sanctuary and she leaves. Adam follows her a month later when he transfers to a local university. Adam completes his studies and becomes a doctor. He and Gemma become engaged.
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters is at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London. It is the largest broadcaster in the world, with about 23,000 staff...
said Adam's most notable moment was "Chauffeuring a Lassiter’s client while wearing a toga."
Gaby Willis
Gabrielle "Gaby" Willis, played by Rachel BlakelyRachel Blakely
Rachel Blakely is an Australian actress. Her works include films such as Love Until, Young Hercules and Counterstrike, as well as guest appearances on television shows such as Xena: Warrior Princess, State Coroner and Flipper; from 2006 to 2007 she starred as Glenda Fry in the Australian...
made her first on-screen appearance 12 August 1991. A highly ambitious woman who works in the Robinson Corporation, though her aggressive nature is somewhat tempered after she gives birth to son Zac. Gaby becomes the proprietor of the upmarket boutique "Gabrielle's" until her departure in 1994. In 2005, Blakely was one of over twenty ex-cast members who returned to Neighbours to appear in Annalise Hartman
Annalise Hartman
Annalise Kratz is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Kimberley Davies. She debuted on-screen in the episode airing on 15 January 1993 and departed in 1996, and a brief return in 2005. Annalise has often been portrayed as having a conniving persona...
's documentary film about Ramsay Street
Ramsay Street
Ramsay Street is the fictional cul-de-sac in which the characters of the Australian soap opera Neighbours live. The street is set in the equally fictional Melbourne suburb of Erinsborough. Neighbours storylines primarily centre around the residents of the Street, which was named after the...
Faye Hudson
Faye Hudson (née Willis), played by Lorraine BaylyLorraine Bayly
Lorraine Daphne Bayly AM is an Australian actress.She is best known to television audiences for her portrayal of Grace Sullivan, the dignified, warm-hearted mother figure in the drama series The Sullivans 1976-1979, dealing with life for an ordinary Australian family during the Second World...
, made her first on-screen appearance on 28 November 1991 and departed on 14 May 1992.
Faye arrives in Erinsborough and begins staying at Number 28 much to the consternation of her brother, Doug (Terence Donovan
Terence Donovan
Terence Donovan may refer to:*Terence Donovan, Baron Donovan , British Labour Party Member of Parliament 1945–1950, Law Lord 1964–1971*Terence Donovan , Australian actor, and father of Jason Donovan...
), and his family. During the first day of her arrival, she scolds Toby Mangel
Toby Mangel
Toby Mangel is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Ben Geurens. He made his first on-screen appearance on 10 November 1988. Toby was originally played by Finn Greentree-Keane from 1988 until 1990...
(Ben Guerens
Ben Guerens
Ben Geurens is an actor.-Biography:Geurens graduated from NIDA in 2004. At drama school his credits include The Return, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing and Who's Afraid of the Working Class.-Roles:Geurens is best known for playing suburban rascal Toby Mangel on the soap opera Neighbours...
) for playing with snails, which Doug has asked him to collect and criticizes Pam's cooking. Faye's presence serves to irritate the family when she meddles in their affairs and generally takes over the house. The family try various schemes to get rid of her but they backfire. Faye leaves for a short holiday with Nev Cusack (Ewing), a friend of Doug's and when she returns Faye reveals that she and Nev are engaged. On the day of the wedding, Doug is forced to break the news that Nev has jilted her. After her initial unhappiness, Faye pursues Jim Robinson
Jim Robinson (Neighbours)
James "Jim" Robinson is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Alan Dale. He made his first on-screen appearance on 18 March 1985, which was the shows first episode. Jim was the patriarch of the Robinson family. Dale departed the show in 1993 after...
(Alan Dale
Alan Dale
Alan Hugh Dale is a New Zealand actor. As a child, Dale developed a love of theatre and also became a rugby player. After retiring from the sport he took on a number of professions to support his family, before deciding to become a professional actor at the age of 27. With work limited in New...
) much to his displeasure. Jim enlists Dorothy Burke
Dorothy Burke
Dorothy Miriam Burke is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Maggie Dence. She made her first on-screen appearance on 7 March 1990...
's (Maggie Dence
Maggie Dence
Maggie Dence is an Australian actress who after high profile television comedy work became better known for several soap opera roles....
) help to stage a cover that they are a couple to ward off Faye's attention.
Faye's stay with the Willises comes to an end when she oversteps the mark by inviting Doug's childhood sweetheart, Alexandra Lomax to dinner and telling Pam that Doug only married her on the rebound. Doug tells her to leave and she does, only to move two doors down to Number 32 which she rents from Helen Daniels
Helen Daniels
Helen Daniels is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, portrayed by Anne Haddy. Following the death of Jim Robinson in 1993, she remained the only original character left in the series until her own death in 1997, making her the second longest-serving original character...
(Anne Haddy
Anne Haddy
Anne Haddy was an Australian film and television actress, best known for her role in the long-running soap opera, Neighbours.-Early and personal life:...
). Cameron (Benjamin Grant Mitchell
Benjamin Grant Mitchell
Benjamin Grant Mitchell is a writer, singer and actor now living in Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of The Last Great Day, an 'autobiographical' novel released in 2011....
), Faye's estranged son arrives to defend Pam on a murder charge and later moves in with her after they repair their relationship. Gaby
Gaby Willis
Gabrielle "Gaby" Willis is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Rachel Blakely. She made her first on-screen appearance 12 August 1991. The character departed in 1994. Blakely reprised her role in 2005 for the show's 20th anniversary.-Casting:Blakely was...
(Rachel Blakely
Rachel Blakely
Rachel Blakely is an Australian actress. Her works include films such as Love Until, Young Hercules and Counterstrike, as well as guest appearances on television shows such as Xena: Warrior Princess, State Coroner and Flipper; from 2006 to 2007 she starred as Glenda Fry in the Australian...
), Faye's niece opens her own fashion boutique Gabrielle's at the Lassiter's complex and Faye cannot help but interfere. One night, Faye fails to turn off a heater, which results in the shop burning down. For a while she remains silent but confesses to a furious Gaby. The insurance company take a suit against Faye and she flees Erinsborough under the cover of darkness in a cab. Faye later communicates with the family via postcards and is last known to be living in Paris
Paris is the capital and largest city in France, situated on the river Seine, in northern France, at the heart of the Île-de-France region...
The British Broadcasting Corporation is a British public service broadcaster. Its headquarters is at Broadcasting House in the City of Westminster, London. It is the largest broadcaster in the world, with about 23,000 staff...
said Faye's most notable moment was "Being jilted at the altar by Nev Cusack."
Cameron Hudson
Cameron Hudson is the son of Faye Hudson (Lorraine BaylyLorraine Bayly
Lorraine Daphne Bayly AM is an Australian actress.She is best known to television audiences for her portrayal of Grace Sullivan, the dignified, warm-hearted mother figure in the drama series The Sullivans 1976-1979, dealing with life for an ordinary Australian family during the Second World...
), who arrives in Ramsay Street
Ramsay Street
Ramsay Street is the fictional cul-de-sac in which the characters of the Australian soap opera Neighbours live. The street is set in the equally fictional Melbourne suburb of Erinsborough. Neighbours storylines primarily centre around the residents of the Street, which was named after the...
in to defend his aunt Pam Willis (Sue Jones) who is accused of murdering Garth Kirby (Roy Baldwin). Cameron is able to prove Pam's innocence succesfully. Cameron repairs his fraught relationship with Faye and moves in with her at Number 32. After Faye
moves out, Cameron invites Beth Brennan
Beth Brennan
Elizabeth "Beth" Willis is a fictional character from the Australian Network Ten soap opera Neighbours, played by Natalie Imbruglia. She made her debut on-screen during the episode airing on 6 January 1992. She married Brad Willis in 1993, and the couple left Erinsborough for Perth. Behind the...
(Natalie Imbruglia
Natalie Imbruglia
Natalie Jane Imbruglia is an Australian singer-songwriter, model and actress. In the early 1990s, Imbruglia was known to audiences as Beth Brennan in the popular Australian soap Neighbours. Three years after leaving the programme, Imbruglia launched a singing career with the international hit,...
) to move in with him. Cameron becomes involved with Jacqueline Summers (Tiffany Lamb) after he helps her on a case but the relationship ends when he finds that he could be facing legal proceedings for becoming involved with a client and when Jacqueline realises he is not completely convinced of her innocence in the case.
Cameron later finds himself offside with the Martin family when he defends Raymond Chambers (Greg Parker) who is accused of trying to abduct Hannah (Rebecca Ritters
Rebecca Ritters
Rebecca Ritters is an Australian actress, mostly known for her role as Hannah Martin in the soap opera Neighbours. She first appeared in the show in 1992 when she was eight years old and remained in the show for a further seven years...
). Despite Chambers' ex-wife mentioning that he had previously tried to kidnap their daughter in Hong Kong and eyewitness testimony from Toby Mangel
Toby Mangel
Toby Mangel is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Ben Geurens. He made his first on-screen appearance on 10 November 1988. Toby was originally played by Finn Greentree-Keane from 1988 until 1990...
(Ben Guerens
Ben Guerens
Ben Geurens is an actor.-Biography:Geurens graduated from NIDA in 2004. At drama school his credits include The Return, Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing and Who's Afraid of the Working Class.-Roles:Geurens is best known for playing suburban rascal Toby Mangel on the soap opera Neighbours...
), Chambers is acquitted, furthering Cameron's stress and he begins to doubt himself as a lawyer. When Cameron intervenes in a confrontation between Chambers and Toby, He is even more convinced of Chambers' guilt and when Cameron arrives home, he finds Chambers' waiting for him in the dark and he blames Cameron for his life being ruined. Cameron forces Chambers to get help and after he breaks down in tears, Chambers hands himself into the police and confesses to the abduction. The Martins apologise for their treatment of Cameron.
After Helen Daniels
Helen Daniels
Helen Daniels is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, portrayed by Anne Haddy. Following the death of Jim Robinson in 1993, she remained the only original character left in the series until her own death in 1997, making her the second longest-serving original character...
(Anne Haddy
Anne Haddy
Anne Haddy was an Australian film and television actress, best known for her role in the long-running soap opera, Neighbours.-Early and personal life:...
wants to rent Number 32 to the Martins, Cameron and Beth move in with Lou Carpenter
Lou Carpenter
Louis "Lou" Carpenter is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Tom Oliver. He made his first on-screen appearance on 30 March 1988. Lou appeared for a brief time, before leaving and later returning in January 1992 as a regular cast member. He is the longest...
(Tom Oliver
Tom Oliver
Tom Oliver is an English television, film and theatre actor best known today for playing the role of Lou Carpenter in the Australian soap opera Neighbours.-Career:...
). During this, Cameron does some investigating and discovers Gavin Heywood (Peter Hosking) is involved in some shady business. When Heywood catches Cameron, He has him roughed up by some thugs and is about to have him thrown down a lift shaft. Cameron offers to work for Heywood to prevent being killed and uses this to gain more information.
Heywood then begins involving members of Cameron's family in his business.
Cameron's life is endangered again when he overhears Heywood and his associate Noddy (Richard Piper) plot to kill him but he engineers a plan which results in Heywood's downfall. Cameron then changes career track and becomes a journalist for the Erinsborough news but is frustrated and surprises everyone with his next career choice; stand-up comedy
Stand-up comedy
Stand-up comedy is a comedic art form. Usually, a comedian performs in front of a live audience, speaking directly to them. Their performances are sometimes filmed for later release via DVD, the internet, and television...
When Lou's daughter, Lauren
Lauren Carpenter
Lauren Carpenter is a fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours, played by Sarah Vandenbergh. She made her first on-screen appearance on 18 February 1993. Lauren is the youngest child of Kathy and Lou Carpenter and sister to Guy...
(Sarah Vandenberg) arrives from Queensland
Queensland is a state of Australia, occupying the north-eastern section of the mainland continent. It is bordered by the Northern Territory, South Australia and New South Wales to the west, south-west and south respectively. To the east, Queensland is bordered by the Coral Sea and Pacific Ocean...
, Cameron is smitten with her but does not know she is having an affair with Cameron's cousin, Brad (Scott Michaelson
Scott Michaelson
Scott Michaelson is an Australian actor and manager who is most famous for playing Brad Willis in Neighbours...
). In order to ward off Cameron's suspicions, Lauren agrees to go out with him. The truth later emerges and Cameron leaves Erinsborough in disgust.
Zac Willis
Shannon Zachary "Zac" Willis is the son of Gaby Willis and Jack Flynn. He made his first on screen appearance on 25 July 1994, the day of his birth.Reception
During a feature on Neighbours, Anna Pickard of The GuardianThe Guardian
The Guardian, formerly known as The Manchester Guardian , is a British national daily newspaper in the Berliner format...
tried to choose the characters she would be most starstruck by if she met them. She said "It would have to be the Willis family. All of them. Pam, Doug, Adam, Gaby, Brad and Cody".