William Scott Ferguson award
The William Scott Ferguson Award was founded in 1951 through gifts from anonymous donors. The prize is awarded each year to the student or students who have written an outstanding essay for the sophomore tutorial at Harvard College
Harvard College
Harvard College, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is one of two schools within Harvard University granting undergraduate degrees...


The award was established to honor William Scott Ferguson, McLean Professor of Ancient and Modern History, Emeritus, and formerly Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) at Harvard University.

United States Supreme Court Chief Justice
Chief Justice
The Chief Justice in many countries is the name for the presiding member of a Supreme Court in Commonwealth or other countries with an Anglo-Saxon justice system based on English common law, such as the Supreme Court of Canada, the Constitutional Court of South Africa, the Court of Final Appeal of...

 John G. Roberts won the prize while he attended Harvard College for his essay Marxism and Bolshevism: Theory and Practice.
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