Wild Asia
Wild Asia works to promote and support the conservation of natural areas and local communities dependent upon natural resources. It is an organization that works closely with business organizations to provide an avenue for solutions to improve their operations, at the same time engage individuals to adopt sustainable practices in their day-to-day lifestyle.

Wild Asia works in areas such as oil palm plantations conducting workshops on Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), island and reef conservation, biodiversity in production landscapes as well as responsible tourism. Some of the core work that they do include providing research, peer reviews and other technical inputs on a wide range of projects, assisting businesses through advisory, audits and training to implement global sustainability standards such as RSPO and providing training workshops to encourage awareness of environmental and social impacts to business and corporate managers.

One of the key features of Wild Asia is the web 2.0 portal. wildasia.org serves as an effective driver in communicating efforts, sustainable issues and a hub for travel features.

External links

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