Wie das Wispern des Windes
Wie das Wispern des Windes - Like the whispering of the wind is an album by German musician Hans-Joachim Roedelius, released in Norway by independent record label Cicada Records in 1986. The electronic, ambient and experimental musician here delivers ambient piano music. The music was recorded between 1983 and 1985 in Roedelius` home, a friend`s house and at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London. The music was written, performed, recorded and produced by Roedelius. He also designed the album cover.
Side B
Track listing
Side A- Brise (breeze)
- Das Eis bricht (breaking ice)
- Unter blühenden Bäumen - Livemitschnitt (Live-cut - beneath blooming trees).
Side B
- Bergan (uphill)
- Regentropfen (raindrops)
- ...und nichts zu suchen (...and searching for nothing...)