Whistles is a clothing brand with 40 stores across Britain
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

. It was founded in the early 1980s by Lucille and Richard Lewin.

In January 2008, Jane Shepherdson
Jane Shepherdson
Jane Shepherdson is the chief executive of UK clothing brand, Whistles and was previously the brand director for high-street women's wear store TopShop....

, former Topshop
Topshop is a British clothes retailer with shops in over 20 countries and online operations in a number of its markets. Its sales come primarily from women's clothing and fashion accessories...

 director, signed a deal to purchase a 20 per cent stake in Whistles and was appointed the job of chief executive.


In the past, the style of Whistles was described as having "a pretty but decidedly yummy mummy-ish air". Since Shepherdson's appointment as chief executive, the clothes were said to have cleaner silhouettes with a more sophisticated palette; "baby pinks and lilacs have made way for olives, camel, china blue, tea rose and yes, plenty of black – and the detailing has a quirky vintage feel rather than being fussy."
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