Wheelchair Fencing at the 2008 Summer Paralympics
Wheelchair fencing
Wheelchair fencing
Wheelchair fencing is a version of Fencing for athletes with a disability. Wheelchair fencing is governed by the International Wheelchair Fencing that is a federation of the International Paralympic Committee, and is one of the sports in the Summer Paralympic Games.-Classification:*class A *class B...

 at the 2008 Summer Paralympics
2008 Summer Paralympics
The 2008 Summer Paralympic Games, the thirteenth Paralympics, took place in Beijing, China from September 6 to September 17, 2008. As with the 2008 Summer Olympics, equestrian events were held in Hong Kong and sailing events in Qingdao....

was held in the Fencing Gymansium of the Olympic Green Convention Centre
Olympic Green Convention Centre
The Olympic Green Convention Center or National Convention Center is a new convention center located in the Olympic Green in Beijing. It was designed by RMJM and was used for the 2008 Summer Olympics. It covers an area of 270,000 square metres...

 from 14 September to 17 September.
Fencers were given a classification depending on the type and extent of their disability. The classification system allows fencers to compete against others with a similar level of function. Fencing has two classes, A and B. Wheelchairs were anchored to the ground during competition.
The five event types below were competed for both class A and class B, for a total of ten events.
  • Men's épée
  • Men's foil
    Foil (fencing)
    A foil is a type of weapon used in fencing. It is the most common weapon in terms of usage in competition, and is usually the choice for elementary classes for fencing in general.- Components:...

  • Men's sabre
    Sabre (fencing)
    The sabre is one of the three weapons of modern sport fencing, and is alternatively spelled saber in American English. The sabre differs from the other modern fencing weapons, the épée and foil, in that it is possible to score with the edge of the blade; for this reason, sabreur movements and...

  • Women's épée
  • Women's foil

This ranking sorts countries by the number of gold medals earned by their fencers (in this context a country is an entity represented by a National Paralympic Committee
National Paralympic Committee
National Paralympic Committees are the national constituents of the worldwide Paralympic movement. Subject to the controls of the International Paralympic Committee , they are responsible for organizing their people's participation in the Paralympic Games.The Paralympic Games are a major...


In a world where there is so much to be done, I felt strongly impressed that there must be something for me to do." -wikipedia:Dorothea Dix|Dorothea Dix
