Werner Kaegi (composer)
- 9 Lieder with lyrics by Joseph Von Eichendorff and Hermann Hesse (1943)
- Vom Leben und Sterben des Hirten Kaedmon, oratorio
- Miniaturen, for oboe, bassoon and cimbalom
- Magna Voce Ad Dominum Clamo, for singer and orchestra
- Lieder für neuapostol, songs for choir (1948–54)
- Sonate, for clarinet and piano (1956)
- Ariadne in Zürich, for clarinet and piano 4 hands (1957)
- Concerto, for jazz quartet and string ensemble (1961)
At Centre de Recherches Sonores, Geneva
- Suisse Vigilante (music for Expo '64, Lausanne), for tape (1963)
- Éclipses, for tape (1964)
- L'Art de la Table, for tape (1964)
- Flüsterbogen, background or exhibition music (1964)
- La Porte Noire, radiophonic work (1964)
- Zéa, radiophonic work (1965)
- Entretiens, for tape (1965)
- Mystic Puzzle II, for tape and jazz orchestra (1965)
- Mystic Puzzle III, for tape and saxophone (1967)
- Les Vêtements de la Demoiselle, for tape (1967)
- Entretiens Solitaires, for speaker, 9 instruments and tape (1968)
- Anima ou Les Rêves de Damien, for tape (1968)
- Illumination (music for Expo '70, Osaka, Japan 1970), with André Zumbach (1969)
- Kyoto, for tape and instruments (1970)
- Thai Clarinet, for clarinet and electronic (1970)
At Instituut voor Sonologie, Utrecht
- Hydrophonie I, for tape (1969)
- Consolations, for tape (1984)
- Dialogue II, for tape and gamelan orchestra (1984)
- Dialogue III, for tape (1984)
- Dialogue, for tape with gamelan orchestra (1985)
- Champs Magnétiques Ritournelles, for tape (1985)
- Ritournelles, for soprano and computer (VOSIM software) (1987)