Weiert Velle
Weiert Martin Velle was a Norwegian veterinarian.

He took the dr.med.vet. degree in 1959, and also the dr.philos. in 1999. He was a professor of physiology
Physiology is the science of the function of living systems. This includes how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and bio-molecules carry out the chemical or physical functions that exist in a living system. The highest honor awarded in physiology is the Nobel Prize in Physiology or...

 at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science or NVH is a public university located at Adamstuen in Oslo, that educates veterinarians and veterinary nurses as well as research within aquatic medicine, food safety, comparative medicine and mammalian diseases, health and welfare. The institution has about...

 from 1965 to 1993, and served as rector
The word rector has a number of different meanings; it is widely used to refer to an academic, religious or political administrator...

there from 1975 to 1982. He co-edited the journal Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica from 1973 to 1987.
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