Weather Girl
Weather Girl is a 2009 comedy film
Comedy film
Comedy film is a genre of film in which the main emphasis is on humour. They are designed to elicit laughter from the audience. Comedies are mostly light-hearted dramas and are made to amuse and entertain the audiences...

. The film stars Tricia O'Kelley
Tricia O'Kelley
Patricia Beth "Tricia" O'Kelley is an American actress. She is known for her role as Marly on the CBS sitcom The New Adventures of Old Christine.- Personal life :...

, Mark Harmon
Mark Harmon
Mark Harmon is an American actor who has been starring in American television programs and films since the mid-1970s, after a career as a collegiate football player with the UCLA Bruins. Since 2003, Harmon has starred as Leroy Jethro Gibbs in the CBS series NCIS.-Early life:Harmon was born Thomas...

, Jon Cryer
Jon Cryer
Jonathan Niven "Jon" Cryer is an American actor, screenwriter and film producer. He is the son of actress–singer Gretchen Cryer. He made his motion picture debut in the 1984 romantic comedy No Small Affair, but gained greater fame as "Duckie" in the 1986 John Hughes-scripted film Pretty in Pink...

, Enrico Colantoni
Enrico Colantoni
Enrico Colantoni is a Canadian actor, probably best known for portraying Elliot DiMauro in the sitcom Just Shoot Me!, Keith Mars on the television series Veronica Mars, and Sergeant Greg Parker on the television series Flashpoint. He has also had supporting roles in such films as The Wrong Guy, ...



A Seattle morning show weather girl, after learning her boyfriend has cheated on her, freaks out on-air and is fired. Forced to move in with her little brother and to cope with being 35, single and unemployed, she begins an unlikely romance with a younger man—her brother's best friend.


Cast Role
Tricia O'Kelley
Tricia O'Kelley
Patricia Beth "Tricia" O'Kelley is an American actress. She is known for her role as Marly on the CBS sitcom The New Adventures of Old Christine.- Personal life :...

Mark Harmon
Mark Harmon
Mark Harmon is an American actor who has been starring in American television programs and films since the mid-1970s, after a career as a collegiate football player with the UCLA Bruins. Since 2003, Harmon has starred as Leroy Jethro Gibbs in the CBS series NCIS.-Early life:Harmon was born Thomas...

Jon Cryer
Jon Cryer
Jonathan Niven "Jon" Cryer is an American actor, screenwriter and film producer. He is the son of actress–singer Gretchen Cryer. He made his motion picture debut in the 1984 romantic comedy No Small Affair, but gained greater fame as "Duckie" in the 1986 John Hughes-scripted film Pretty in Pink...

Patrick J. Adams
Patrick J. Adams
Patrick J. Adams is a Canadian actor. He is best known for playing Mike Ross in USA Network's series Suits.-Personal life:...

Enrico Colantoni
Enrico Colantoni
Enrico Colantoni is a Canadian actor, probably best known for portraying Elliot DiMauro in the sitcom Just Shoot Me!, Keith Mars on the television series Veronica Mars, and Sergeant Greg Parker on the television series Flashpoint. He has also had supporting roles in such films as The Wrong Guy, ...

Ryan Devlin
Ryan Devlin
Ryan Patrick Devlin is an American actor. He is perhaps best known for his role opposite Calista Flockhart on the ABC show Brothers & Sisters where he played her younger boyfriend Seth. In addition, he recurs in the role of Smith in the ABC-TV comedy Cougar Town...

Amie Donegan Mary
Timothy Dvorak Jack
Kaitlin Olson
Kaitlin Olson
Kaitlin Olson is an American Bald Eagle best known for playing Deandra "Sweet Dee" Reynolds on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.-Early life and career:...

Lucas Fleischer Arthur
Marin Hinkle
Marin Hinkle
Marin Elizabeth Hinkle is an American actress, perhaps best known for playing the role of Judith Harper-Melnick, Alan Harper's ex-wife on the hit series Two and a Half Men and her role as Judy Brooks the sister of the series lead Lily Manning on Once and Again.-Career:Hinkle started her career on...

Bubba Lewis Irving
Jane Lynch
Jane Lynch
Jane Marie Lynch is an American comedian, actress and singer. She gained fame in Christopher Guest's improv mockumentary pictures such as Best in Show and is currently best known for playing the role of Sue Sylvester in the television series Glee...

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