and cartoonist
, best known for the comic strip
, Pogo. He began his animation career in 1936 at Walt Disney Studios, contributing to Pinocchio and Fantasia. Kelly resigned in 1941 at the age of 28 to work at Post-Hall Syndicate, where he created Pogo. It is at Post-Hall syndicate that Kelly's works began to include political and philosophical commentary.
Looking back on things, the view always improves.
Don't take life so serious, son, it ain't nohow permanent.
Eventually every man gotta face the problem of tryin' to figger if it’s worthwhile to prove that he is himself.
The best break anybody ever gets is in bein' alive in the first place. An' you don't unnerstan' what a perfect deal it is until you realizes that you ain't gone be stuck with it forever, either.
Thar’s only two possibilities: Thar is life out there in the universe which is smarter than we are, or we’re the most intelligent life in the universe. Either way, it’s a mighty sobering thought.
(Albert:) "I'd give them a piece of my mind if I could find it! I mean, them!" (Porky Pine, to Pogo:) "Y'know, ol' Albert leads a life of noisy desperation."
Ever since I heard you is got a million dollars I notice you is fraught with perspicacity.
Foo, a beautiful gal wastes her time gracin' up this swamp.
I'll tell you, son, the minority got us out-numbered!