WVSU in Calinog
The West Visayas State University in Calinog started as Calinog High School in 1947 with the help of (then) Provincial Board Member and Mayor of Calinog, Atty. Jose M. Celo and Colonel Julian Chavez, (Congressman of the 4th District of Iloilo). Congressman Ricardo Y. Ladrido sponsored RA. No. 2399 converting the Calinog High School to Calinog Agricultural and Industrial School. Its first Vocational School Administrator is Dr. Ernesto V. Botin, who was succeeded by Mr. Daniel Delariarte, Jr. and later by Mr. Ernesto A. Rapista.Calinog Agricultural and Industrial School was elevated as a tertiary educational institution on July 15, 1977 and was renamed Calinog Agricultural and Industrial College (CAIC) and started to offer a Two-Year Post Secondary Course – AAT (Associate in Agricultural Technology). BP Blg. 879, through the Hon. Assemblyman Narciso D. Monfort, officially made CAIC as full tertiary education institution (January 1, 1986).
Republic Act 7722, an Act creating the Commission on Higher Education approved by his Excellency Fidel V. Ramos placed CAIC under the direct supervision of the Commission on Higher Education. CAIC in consortium with Aklan State College of Agriculture started to offer graduate programs (MPA, MAEd and MA Agri. Productivity). In 1997, CHED authorized CAIC to offer additional programs in its academic offerings - BS in Hotel and Restaurant Management, BS in Information Technology, BS in Secondary Education major in English and BS Elementary Education major in English.
Mrs. Corabella S. Castro, Vocational Instruction Supervisor III of the College was designated by CHED as officer-in-Charge from February to November 5, 1999 and on November 6, 1999 she was appointment as Vocational School Superintendent. Under her administration, Science and Math majors were added to the teacher education program and Food Technology was offered as a four-year degree program (ladderized scheme).
With the enactment of the Higher Education Act of 1994 and the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997, Calinog Agricultural and Industrial College was integrated into the West Visayas State University System and was renamed as the West Visayas State University - Calinog Campus. The memorandum sets the implementing guidelines in the integration of CHED-Supervised Institutions (CSI’s) to State Universities and Colleges (SUC’s).
When Dr. Pablo E. Subong, Jr. assumed his office as the Campus Administrator, BS Entrepreneurship was added into the College's academic offerings.