Volokh is an name of Ukrainian origin meaning "Romanian". It may refer to:
  • Ilia Volokh (Volok)
    Ilia Volok
    Ilia Volok or Ilia Volokh is a notable Russian-born television and movie actor. Volok appeared in more than ninety films and TV shows.-Life and career:Volok was born in Kiev where he graduated from a high school and became a professional athlete...

  • Eugene Volokh
    Eugene Volokh
    Eugene Volokh is an American legal commentator and the Gary T. Schwartz Professor of Law at the UCLA School of Law...

    • His blog, The Volokh Conspiracy
      The Volokh Conspiracy
      The Volokh Conspiracy is a blog which mostly covers United States legal and political issues, generally from a libertarian or conservative perspective. One of the most widely read legal blogs in the United States, The Volokh Conspiracy has more than one million page views each month. This group...

  • Omelian Volokh, an Ukrainian Ataman (1918 - 1920)
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