Vladimir Beşleagă
Vladimir Beşleagă is a Moldova
Moldova , officially the Republic of Moldova is a landlocked state in Eastern Europe, located between Romania to the West and Ukraine to the North, East and South. It declared itself an independent state with the same boundaries as the preceding Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1991, as part...

n writer and politician.


Vladimir Beşleagă was born to Eugenia and Vasile Beşleagă on July 25, 1931, in Mălăieşti
Malaiesti, Transnistria
Mălăieşti is one of the larger communes in the Grigoriopol sub-district, in the disputed territory of Transnistria, internationally recognised as part of the Republic of Moldova. Its name is derived from Romanian "mălai", which means "millet or maize flour", with suffix -eşti...

. Vladimir Beşleagă graduated from Moldova State University
Moldova State University
The Moldova State University is a university located in Chişinău, Moldova. It was founded in 1946.-Organization:The university is organized into eleven faculties:*1. Biology and Pedology...

 in 1955. He served as member of the Parliament of Moldova. He has been a member of the Moldovan Writers' Union
Moldovan Writers' Union
The Writers' Union of Moldova is a professional association of writers in Moldova.Mihai Cimpoi has been the president of the Writers' Union of Moldova since 1991.- External links :* * *...

 since 1965.


  • State Prize of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic  (1978)
  • Honored worker of culture of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic  (1981)


  • "Zbânţuilă", ed. Şcoala sovietică, 1956;
  • "La fântâna Leahului", ed. Cartea Moldovenească, 1963;
  • „Zbor frânt", ed. Cartea Moldovenească, 1966;
  • „Vrei să zbori la Lună?", ed. Lumina, 1972;
  • „Acasă", ed. Cartea Moldovenească, 1976;
  • „Acasă", ed. Literatura Artistică, 1984;
  • „Durere", ed. Literatura Artistică, 1979;
  • „Boli", ed. Mol.gvardia, 1983;
  • „Ignat şi Ana", ed. Literatura Artistică, 1979;
  • „Suflul vremii", ed. Literatura Artistică, 1981;
  • „Sânge pe zăpadă", ed. Literatura Artistică, 1985;
  • "Viaţa şi moartea nefericitului Filimon sau Anevoioasa cale a cunoaşterii de sine", ed. Hyperion, 1992;
  • "Zbor frânt", "Acasă", ed. Literatura Artistică, 1980;
  • "Cumplite vremi", partea I, ed. Hyperion, 1990;
  • "Zbor frânt", "Pădurea albastră", „Cel de-al treilea dacă ar fi fost acolo”, „Viaţa şi moartea nefericitului Filimon sau Anevoioasa cale a cunoaşterii de sine", ed. Hyperion, 1992;
  • "Zbor frânt", "Ignat şi Ana", ed. Litera, 1997.
  • "Nepotul", ed. Litera, 1998;
  • "Jurnal 1986-1988",ed. Prut Internaţional, 2002;
  • "Cumplite vremi", ed. Litera, 2003;
  • "Cruci răsturnate de regim. Mănăstirea Răciula. 1959", Chişinău
    Chișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...

    , 2006;
  • "Dialoguri literare", Chişinău
    Chișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...

    , 2006;
  • "Hoţii din apartamente", Chişinău
    Chișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...

    , 2006;
  • "Conştiinţa naţională sub regimul comunist totalitar (RSSM: 1956-1963)", Chişinău
    Chișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...

    , 2008;
  • "Dirimaga", ed. Prut Internaţional, 2009.

External links

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