, located on the Tebicuary River, at the entrance of Misiones
Region. Initially, when it was established by the Jesuits in 1632, it was called Paso Santa María. It was officially founded as a city on September 6, 1880 during Bernardino Caballero
's government.
Villa Florida is 161 km (100 mi) from Asunción
. Citizens mainly work on commercial activities, cattle raising and tourism, linked to the beautiful Tebicuary River.
"I will die for the templar cause!" - Female Templar Paladin, Deus Ex: Invisible War.
I, Miko Miyazaki, Paladin of the Sapphire Guard, have come to vanquish you this morning. Rouse yourself from your half-asleep stupor and prepare yourself for battle. In the interest of a fair and proper fight, I demand you be fully awake before we attack. Don't forget to retrieve your weapons from their resting places. - Miko Miyazaki, The Order of the Stick".
You have not eaten your morning meal yet. It would be dishonorable to fight a foe who has not had the chance to load up on carbs. - Miko Miyazaki, The Order of the Stick.
Category:Fictional characters