/forest warden, naturalist
, philosopher, inventor and Biomimicry
The inventor of what he called "implosion technology", Schauberger developed his own theories based on fluidic
and movement in nature. He built actuators for airplanes, ships, silent turbines, self-cleaning pipes and equipment for cleaning and so-called "refinement" of water to create spring water, which he used as a remedy.
Schauberger's theories appear not to have received acceptance in the mainstream western scientific community, as replication proves either too difficult or results vary from previously published data.
Actually, the mysteries of water are similar to those of the blood in the human body. In Nature, normal functions are fulfilled by water just as blood provides many important functions for mankind.
Natural phenomena undisturbed by man point the way to the realization of a new technique. One needs a keen sense of observation. We must understand Nature before we can adapt its way of working to our needs.
The damage caused by modern forest technology is so devastating, because this energy interchange cannot evolve as it does in a natural forest. When there is a variety of tree types and undergrowth, energy is created in the whole forest area.
Each green leaf or each needle is in effect a remarkably well-regulated metal factory. Its operation can be demonstrated experimentally. With the falling of the leaves or needles this supply of metals is scattered by the wind, and the more undergrowth there is, the greater is the dispersion of organic metal salts, which during the winter are pressed down hard by the snow.
"Water is a living organism!"