Vickers Nunatak
Vickers Nunatak is a massive nunatak
A nunatak is an exposed, often rocky element of a ridge, mountain, or peak not covered with ice or snow within an ice field or glacier. The term is typically used in areas where a permanent ice sheet is present...

 in the upper Shackleton Glacier
Shackleton Glacier
Shackleton Glacier is a major Antarctic glacier, over long and from 8 to 16 km wide, descending from the polar plateau from the vicinity of Roberts Massif and flowing north through the Queen Maud Mountains to enter the Ross Ice Shelf between Mount Speed and Waldron Spurs. The Roberts Massif...

, about 11 nautical miles (20 km) southeast of Mount Black
Mount Black
Mount Black is a prominent mountain, high, with a gentle snow-covered slope on its southwest side and a steep rock face on its northwest side, forming a part of the polar escarpment just west of Bennett Platform and the upper reaches of Shackleton Glacier. It was discovered and photographed by R...

. It was named by the Southern Party
Southern Party
The Southern Party was a minor political party in the United States that operated exclusively in the South. The party supported states' rights and increased Southern cultural and regionalist activism....

 of the New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition
New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition
The New Zealand Geological Survey Antarctic Expedition describes a series of scientific explorations of the continent Antarctica. The expeditions were notably active in 1957-58 and again in 1958-59. The 1957-58 expedition went to the Ross Dependency and named the Borchgrevink Glacier...

 (NZGSAE) (1961–62) for E. Vickers, a radio operator at Scott Base
Scott Base
Scott Base is a research facility located in Antarctica and is operated by New Zealand. It was named after Captain Robert Falcon Scott, Royal Navy, leader of two British expeditions to the Ross Sea area of Antarctica...

, who was in contact with the Southern Party almost every day during the three months they were in the field.
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