Veronique Zanetti
Veronique Zanetti was born 1959. She is currently professor of Political Philosophy at Faculty of History, Philosophy, and Theology, Bielefeld University
(since 2003.
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Bielefeld University
Bielefeld University is a university in Bielefeld, Germany. Founded in 1969, it is one of the country's newer universities, and considers itself a "reform" university, following a different style of organization and teaching than the established universities...
The focus of her work lies in the fields of ethics, philosophy of international relations, and philosophy of law. Issues such as global justice, national and international security, development of normative regulations, new forms of war, and internationally organized crime are at the center of her current research. She is member of the academic advisory board of the series “Studies in Global Justice“. University of Utah, Salt Lake City: Springer (since 2004) and also member of the Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human BiotechnologyFederal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology
Under article 23 of the Gene Technology Act, the Swiss Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology is an extra-parliamentary advisory committee, appointed to advise the Federal Council and the federal and cantonal authorities on matters of regulations and enforcement of legislation in the...
(since 2003.
- Organizing a study group at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, ZIF) on the issue of collective responsibility and international relations (since 2007)
Selected Publications
- 2009. Vom Recht auf Selbstverteidigung zum Recht auf Hilfe. Wie wird das Recht auf humanitäre Intervention genau begründet? [From the right of self-defense to the right to aid. How exactly is the right of humanitarian intervention justified?]. In Menschenrechte in die Zukunft denken, ed. H. J. Sandkühler. 101–114, Paris.
- 2009. Völkermord und die kollektive Behandlung von Individuen [Genocide and the collective actions of individuals]. In Handeln mit Bedeutung und Handeln mit Gewalt, eds. C. Fehige, C. Lumer, and U. Wessels, 307–323 Paderborn: mentis.
- 2008. L´intervention humanitaire. Droits des individus, devoirs des États. Geneva: Labor et Fides.
- 2007. Hilfspflicht angesichts globaler Armut? Rwals’ Vertragstheorie zwischen Völkern [Duty to aid in view of global poverty? Rwals’ social contract theory between nations]. In Weltarmut und Ethik, eds. B. Bleisch and P. Schaber, 317–337. Paderborn: mentis
- 2007. Women, War and International Law. In Civilian Immunity in War, ed. I. Primoratz, 217–238. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2007. Krieg ist Frieden? Zum Reformbedarf des Systems kollektiver Sicherheit [War is peace? On the need to reform the system of collective security]. In Der gerechte Friede zwischen Pazifismus und gerechtem Krieg, eds. J.-D. Strub and S. Grotefeld, 271–284. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- 2005. Wie stark soll Europa sein? Europas Sicherheit angesichts neuer Typen bewaffneter Konflikte [How strong shall Europe be? Europe’s security in view of new types of armed conflict]. In Legitimationsgrundlagen in der Europäischen Union, eds. F. Cheneval, S. Dänzer, and A. Utzinger. Münster, Hamburg, London: LitVerlag.
- 2005. Egalitarian Global Distributive Justice or Minimal Standard? Pogge’s Position. In Real World Justice: Grounds, Principals, Human Rights, and Social Institutions, eds. A. Follesdal and T. Pogge, 199–214. Dordrecht: Springer.
- 2004. Ist der gemäßigte Nationalismus moralisch vertretbar? [Is moderate nationalism morally justifiable?]. In Ideologien in der Weltpolitik, ed. K.-G. Giesen, 189–210. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- 1998. Ethik des Interventionsrechts [Ethics of the right of intervention]. In Politische Philosophie der internationalen Beziehungen, eds. C. Chwaszcza and W. Kersting, 297–324. Frankfurt a. M.: Suhrkamp Verlag.
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