. The district capital is Pramoey town located 109 kilometres by road from National Highway Number 5
Veal Veang shares a border with Battambang Province
to the north, Thailand
to the west, Koh Kong Province
to the south and the Pursat districts of Phnum Kravanh and Bakan
to the east. The northern end of the Cardamom Mountains
cover the eastern edge of Veal Veang to the Thai border.
"We could try phasers at twenty paces..."
to Splink: "Okay, even alternate versions of you are weird!"
"And they have the nerve to say I'm the weird one."
to the author-breaking the fourth wall: "We need a deus ex machina|deus ex machina, and you're deus!"
"We have a saying about our women, 'can't live with 'em, can't sacrifice them to giant, primitive alien beast gods!'"
"Why do I have the feeling this is deteriorating into the climax of Blazing Saddles?" - Ralph Zinobop (Melonpool crossover)