Veaceslav Untilă
- Regulamentul circulaţiei rutiere, Editura Universul, ChişinăuChisinauChișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...
, 1995 - Crima organizată – contrasens, Editura Litera, ChişinăuChisinauChișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...
, 1999 - Crima organizată – stop, Editura Museum, ChişinăuChisinauChișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...
, 2000 - De ce ASC?, Editura Museum, ChişinăuChisinauChișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...
, 2000 - Traiectoria evoluţiei politice, Editura Litera, ChişinăuChisinauChișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...
, 2003 - Petele negre ale guvernării roşii, Editura Ulise, ChişinăuChisinauChișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...
, 2004 - Politica e un joc serios, Editura Ulise, ChişinăuChisinauChișinău is the capital and largest municipality of Moldova. It is also its main industrial and commercial centre and is located in the middle of the country, on the river Bîc...
, 2006
External links
- Site-ul Parlamentului Republicii Moldova
- Alianţa Moldova Noastră
- Site-ul oficial al Partidului Alianţa "Moldova Noastră"
- „Miza noastră este unirea”, Cronica Română, 9 august 2003
- "Dacă există corupţie, avem şi oameni corupţi", Timpul, 19 decembrie 2003
- „Până la urmă, adevărul şi democraţia vor învinge”, Timpul, 8 aprilie 2005
- „AMN şi-a confirmat opţiunea social-liberală”, Timpul, 1 iulie 2005
- „Comuniştii au interzis cartea mea, pentru a-şi ascunde fărădelegile comise”, Timpul, 16 februarie 2006
- „Un pas în întâmpinarea asociaţiilor obşteşti”, Timpul, 12 aprilie 2006
- “Basarabenii nu trebuie să se simtă abandonaţi de România”, Timpul, 21 decembrie 2006