American drama
/sport film directed by Brian Robbins
that follows a small-town high school
football team and their overbearing coach through a tumultuous season. The players must deal with the pressures of adolescence and their football obsessed community while having their hard coach on their back constantly. In the small (fictional) town of West Canaan, Texas
, football is a way of life, and losing is not an option.
Varsity Blues drew a domestic box office gross of $52 million.
[to his father] I. Don't want. Your life!
Now if we go out there, and we half-ass it 'cause we're scared, all we're left with is an excuse; we're always gonna wonder. But if we go out there, and we give it absolutely everything - that's heroic. Let's be heroes."
[to Mox] You got to be the dumbest smart kid I know.
It makes me wonder if you know the different between a sneeze and a wet fart!
Never show weakness, the only pain that matters is the pain you inflict.
The hard work of so many, sacrificed by the disrespect of few.
[to Mox] Your daddy was a no-talent pussy, but at least he listened!
[Mooning Mox and Billy Bob through the truck window] Good moonin, Boys! Good moonin! I have been up since the crack of dawn and I had to ass you a question.
[singing] She broke my heart, so I broke her jaw.
[after stealing a cop car] I'm gonna go to jail!