The Vankar are a Hindu caste found in the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan in India." Vankar " means weaver and treders of clothes.Vankar community is famous for making silk clothes. Now many people from this caste are spread in Jainism,Buddhism and cristinity.
the historic capital of Gujarat.it is believed that some of they were migrated from Malwa(Rajasthan) and Ujjain,Indor(MP).Some people of this community are(kshatriya) as on book "kshatriya Vanshavali"by Ishwarsinh Madadh and rest of people are vaishya.Vankars migrated to Patan in a time of Siddhraj Jaysinh solanki, A very well known king of Solanki dynesty. They are now mainly found in the city of Ahmedabad, Mehsana, Baroda, Surat and also found in Banaskantha. They are endogamous community, consisting of a series of exogamous clans.
The peculiar quality has its origins in a very intricate difficult technique of tie dyeing or knot dyeing known as “Bandhani Process” on the warp & weft separately before Weaving. Before World War II, Indonesia was major buyer of PATOLAS. Historically, the art of Double Ikat PATOLA weaving dates back to centuries. Paintings in Ajanta caves resemble the tie-dye technique of PATOLA. Legend indicates that sometimes in the 12Th Century AD, King Kumarpal of Solanki dynasty invited 700 families of PATOLA weavers from Jalna (South Maharashtra) to settle down in PATAN in North Gujarat.
The Sarees have patterns like the Pan bhat, Leaf pattern The Narikunjar- jhar, lady, elephant and plat motif, in closed a border or a jal trellis work pattern. Chhabadi bhat, basket design, Chowkdi bhat, square or lozenges Pattern with flowers in each Corner, Ratan chowk, Navratna, Manek chowk
History and origin
The Vankar are said to originate in Saurashtra, and migrated to PatanPatan, Gujarat
Patan was a capital of Gujarat in medieval times. It is the administrative seat of Patan District in the Indian state of Gujarat and administered by municipality. The city contains many Hindu and Jain temples as well as few mosques, dargahs and rojas...
the historic capital of Gujarat.it is believed that some of they were migrated from Malwa(Rajasthan) and Ujjain,Indor(MP).Some people of this community are(kshatriya) as on book "kshatriya Vanshavali"by Ishwarsinh Madadh and rest of people are vaishya.Vankars migrated to Patan in a time of Siddhraj Jaysinh solanki, A very well known king of Solanki dynesty. They are now mainly found in the city of Ahmedabad, Mehsana, Baroda, Surat and also found in Banaskantha. They are endogamous community, consisting of a series of exogamous clans.
Patan Na Patola
India has a rich and ancient heritage in fine textile. (Double Ikat) Real PATOLA from the area of PATAN in the North Gujarat region of western India glorifies this heritage. With its unique gem like qualities – gorgeous colours, and durability. Its very appearance lures the connoisseur of fine textiles. It has no reverse side. Both the sides have equal intensity of color and design.The peculiar quality has its origins in a very intricate difficult technique of tie dyeing or knot dyeing known as “Bandhani Process” on the warp & weft separately before Weaving. Before World War II, Indonesia was major buyer of PATOLAS. Historically, the art of Double Ikat PATOLA weaving dates back to centuries. Paintings in Ajanta caves resemble the tie-dye technique of PATOLA. Legend indicates that sometimes in the 12Th Century AD, King Kumarpal of Solanki dynasty invited 700 families of PATOLA weavers from Jalna (South Maharashtra) to settle down in PATAN in North Gujarat.
The Sarees have patterns like the Pan bhat, Leaf pattern The Narikunjar- jhar, lady, elephant and plat motif, in closed a border or a jal trellis work pattern. Chhabadi bhat, basket design, Chowkdi bhat, square or lozenges Pattern with flowers in each Corner, Ratan chowk, Navratna, Manek chowk