Valser Rhine
The Valser Rhine is a source of the river Rhine in the Swiss canton of Graubünden
Graubünden or Grisons is the largest and easternmost canton of Switzerland. The canton shares borders with the cantons of Ticino, Uri, Glarus and St. Gallen and international borders with Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein...

. The river originates from the Länta glacier and the Grauhorn glacier at the northern foot of the Rheinwaldhorn
The Rheinwaldhorn is the highest point in the Swiss canton of Ticino at 3402m. It lies on the border between the cantons of Graubünden and Ticino, in the Adula massif, part of the St. Gotthard massif of the Lepontine Alps in southern Switzerland....

 and initially flows through the Länta valley before it flows into the Zervreilasee
Zervreilasee is a reservoir near Vals in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland. The lake has a surface area of 1.61 km² and an elevation of 1,862 m. The maximum depth is 140 m....

 reservoir. Before the construction of the reservoir, the brooks Hornbach and Canalbach would flow into Valser Rhine from the right at the village of Zervreila. Today, the brooks flow into the reservoir, as does the Finsterbach, also from the right.

Below the Zervreila dam, the Valser Rhine flows through the Valser valley
Valser valley
The Valser valley is located in the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland. Originally the valley was cimply called .- Geography :The Valser valley is roughly 16 kilometers long valley. At Uors, it branches off to the south from the Val Lumnezia. The valley is drained by the Valser Rhine. There...

 and the municipality of Vals. Before the village of Vals, the Peiler Bach joins the Valser Rhine, below the village, the Tomülbach from Tomül Pass joins from the right. The Valser Rhine the flows past St. Martin and joins the Glenner
The Glenner is a Whitewater river in Graubünden. Glenner was also the name of a district in this area, which was annexed by Surselva District in 2001....

 at Suraua
Suraua is a municipality in the district of Surselva in the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland. The municipality was formed on January 1, 2002 through the union of Camuns, Surcasti, Tersnaus, and Uors-Peiden.-History:...

. Several kilometers downstream, the Glenner
The Glenner is a Whitewater river in Graubünden. Glenner was also the name of a district in this area, which was annexed by Surselva District in 2001....

 flows into the Anterior Rhine.

The Valser Rhine has many rapids and waterfalls and is very popular with canoeists.
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