Valentin Todercan
Valentin Todercan is a Moldovan screen and stage actor, producer, screenwriter and director. Between April 10, 2007 and December 30, 2009 he served as chairman of TeleRadio-Moldova
TeleRadio-Moldova is the state-owned national radio-TV broadcaster. It owns the TV channels Moldova 1 and TVMI and the radio channels Radio Moldova and Radio Moldova Internaţional...

. In 2008, he was awarded the Order of Work Merit
Order of Work Merit (Moldova)
The Order of Work Merit is a Moldovan official order conferred for outstanding achievements in an individual's field of work, esteemed public activity during their career, and great contributions to the development of the Moldovan cultural, scientific, socio-economic, sporting and public spheres...

 for his efforts in the development of the Moldovan public television
Moldova 1
Moldova 1 is the national Moldovan television channel, operated by the national public broadcaster, TeleRadio-Moldova.- Directors :* Andrei Timuş * Mihail Onoicenco...


Education and career

Todercan was born in Corlăteni
Corlăteni, Rîşcani
Corlăteni is a commune in Rîşcani district, Moldova. It is composed of a single village, Corlăteni....

, Moldova on May 13, 1961. He was part of the first Moldovan generation of graduates from Moscow's Boris Shchukin Theatre Institute in 1985, and performed at Luceafărul Theater as part of its permanent group until 1988. In 1991, Todercan along with his Shchukin classmates founds The Eugène Ionesco Theater in Chișinău. He contributed to the organization of the first edition of Moldova's BITEI International Theater Festival between 1994-1997. With The Eugène Ionesco Theater, Todercan participates in a number of international theater festivals, including in Egypt, Japan, France, Great Britain, Poland, and others. In 1995, Todercan is appointed general manager at the Moldova-Film Studio
Moldova-Film is a Moldovan film studio and production company founded in 1952 in the Moldavian SSR.- History:Moldova-Film was founded in 1947 in Chişinău as a branch of the Central Studio for Documentary Film. In 1949 the branch was taken over by the Odessa Film Studio and in 1952 became an...

 until 2002, when he becomes in charge of the old Cinematography Department of Moldova. He then returns to Moldova-Film
Moldova-Film is a Moldovan film studio and production company founded in 1952 in the Moldavian SSR.- History:Moldova-Film was founded in 1947 in Chişinău as a branch of the Central Studio for Documentary Film. In 1949 the branch was taken over by the Odessa Film Studio and in 1952 became an...

 briefly in 2006 as general producer. He earns his master's of public administration around this time. Between 2007 and 2010, Valentin Todercan served as the president of TeleRadio-Moldova
TeleRadio-Moldova is the state-owned national radio-TV broadcaster. It owns the TV channels Moldova 1 and TVMI and the radio channels Radio Moldova and Radio Moldova Internaţional...



Feature films

  • "Jana," Moldova, 2004
  • "Black Prince," Moldova, 2004
  • "A 12-a Toamnă," Russia, 2003
  • "Bucharest Express," USA, 2002
  • "Patul lui Procust," Moldova, 2001


9 documentaries, including:
  • “Petru Rareș,” 2006
  • “Ștefan – Cel mai mare ctitor de țară," 2004
  • “Dimitrie Cantemir,” 2003

Feature film screenwriter

  • „Fie pâinea...”
  • „Micuţa”
  • „Un cartuş pentru porumbel” (also known as Vînătoarea)


  • Order of Work Merit
    Order of Work Merit (Moldova)
    The Order of Work Merit is a Moldovan official order conferred for outstanding achievements in an individual's field of work, esteemed public activity during their career, and great contributions to the development of the Moldovan cultural, scientific, socio-economic, sporting and public spheres...

     („Gloria Muncii”), 2008.
  • Order of the Moldovan Orthodox Church
    Moldovan Orthodox Church
    The Moldovan Orthodox Church is an autonomous church under the Russian Orthodox Church, whose canonic territory covers the Republic of Moldova....

     "Binecredinciosul Voievod Stefan Cel Mare si Sfint," gr. II, 2009.


  • International Theater Festival „BITEI” ed. 1994, 1997, Moldova
  • Belarus Film Festival „Zilele filmului belorus în R. M.”, Moldova
  • Russian Film Festival „Zilele filmului rus în R. M.”, Moldova
  • Cinematography Manifestation „Christian Documentary”, Moldova
  • Scientific Conference „Cantemir and the Screen”, Moldova
  • National Film Festival „Săptămânile Filmului Naţional”, ed. 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, Moldova

External links

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