Uttampur is a village in Aligarh district
and located 30 km from Aligarh. This village comes in block - Gonda, tehsil - Iglas, district - Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
The population of this village is around 1500. The main profession of the village people is potato, wheat farming and rice.
This village also is a Gram panchayat
of five villages.
Aligarh District
Aligarh District is a district in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Its district seat is located in the city of Aligarh .The Aligarh District belongs to Aligarh Division...
and located 30 km from Aligarh. This village comes in block - Gonda, tehsil - Iglas, district - Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
The population of this village is around 1500. The main profession of the village people is potato, wheat farming and rice.
This village also is a Gram panchayat
Gram panchayat
Gram panchayats are local self-governments at the village or small town level in India. As of 2002 there were about 265,000 gram panchayats in India. The gram panchayat is the foundation of the Panchayat System. A gram panchayat can be set up in villages with minimum population of 300...
of five villages.