The Uruzgani are a tribe of Hazara people. In old maps of Hazarajat (Afghanistan) Uruzgan and Daikundi provinces are over-written as Dai khata. A 1965 work describes them as "sedentary agriculturalists... speak[ing] Hazaraghi."


They are probably descendants of a chieftain Urgun Khan, who was a Mongol chieftain in Ilkhanate
The Ilkhanate, also spelled Il-khanate , was a Mongol khanate established in Azerbaijan and Persia in the 13th century, considered a part of the Mongol Empire...

 court. They mostly inhabited Uruzgan Province and the present day Daikundi Province. The Battle of Uruzgan
Battle of Uruzgan
The Battle of Uruzgan was fought in 1893 CE between the Hazara ethnic group and the Afghans. Thereafter, on Hazara defeat, the Hazaras of the Uruzgani tribe were uprouted from Uruzgan by Abdur Rahman Khan and Afghan tribes were resettled in Uruzgan. They Uruzgani refugees migrated to Iran and...

 was fought between Hazaras and Afghans there in 1893. Thereafter, on Hazara defeat, the Uruzganis were uprouted from Uruzgan by Abdur Rahman Khan
Abdur Rahman Khan
Abdur Rahman Khan was Emir of Afghanistan from 1880 to 1901.The third son of Mohammad Afzal Khan, and grandson of Dost Mohammad Khan, Abdur Rahman Khan was considered a strong ruler who re-established the writ of the Afghan government in Kabul after the disarray that followed the second...

 and Afghan tribes were resettled in Uruzgan. They mostly migrated to Iran and British India (Quetta
is the largest city and the provincial capital of the Balochistan Province of Pakistan. Known as the "Fruit Garden of Pakistan" due to the diversity of its plant and animal wildlife, Quetta is home to the Hazarganji Chiltan National Park, which contains some of the rarest species of wildlife in the...

). In 1901, Amir Habibullāh Kalakāni granted amnesty to Hazaras and asked them to return. Some returning Uruzganis were then resettled in Turkistan and Balkh, but were not allowed to return to Uruzgan.


Today all the district names in Uruzgan bears the testimony that this was a Hazara land. Teri (Tarin kot), Chore, Zuli, khas Uruzgan are all Hazara words and are some of the original Uruzgani tribes. DaiChopan is also a sub tribe of Uruzganis and the district with the same name is in Zabul provence. Daichopan are the descendants of Amir Chopan, a Hazara chieftain and whose grave is at Grishik, helamand provence. Hazaras are emotionally attached with Uruzgan, because of the battle of Uruzgan. Even today it is on the agenda of all the Hazaras and Hazara political entities that the question of Uruzgan has to be settled. The communist President Najibullah also had promised that the question will be addressed. In the 2009 presidential elections Ustad Muhaqqiq supported Hamid Karzai, one of the many demands for this support was to resolve the question of Uruzgan. the creation of Daikundi Provence in 2004 is one of the initial steps in resolution of this unsettled issue between Hazaras and Afghans. Incidentally Hamid Karzai and Taliban leader Mullah Omar belong to Uruzgan and are the descendants of the resettled Afghans of 1893.
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