Umur the Lion
Umur Beg or Ghazi Umur also known as Umur Pasha was the Emir
Emir , meaning "commander", "general", or "prince"; also transliterated as Amir, Aamir or Ameer) is a title of high office, used throughout the Muslim world...

 of Aydin from 1334 to 1348. Umur was described in a chronicle Düstürnâme-i Enverî, which was written by Enverî during the reign of Mehmed II, as the "Lion of God" leading just and holy war of conquest against the "miscreants" and infidel Christian
A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as recorded in the Canonical gospels and the letters of the New Testament...

. However, western sources paint a far less heroic image - two Venetian
Republic of Venice
The Republic of Venice or Venetian Republic was a state originating from the city of Venice in Northeastern Italy. It existed for over a millennium, from the late 7th century until 1797. It was formally known as the Most Serene Republic of Venice and is often referred to as La Serenissima, in...

 ambassadors remarked that he was immensely fat with a stomach, "like a wine casket". They had found him wearing silks, drinking almond milk and eating eggs with spices from a golden spoon. Umur was a loyal ally and friend of John Cantacuzenus, and provided him with material aid during his military campaigns, especially during the Byzantine civil war of 1341–1347
Byzantine civil war of 1341–1347
The Byzantine civil war of 1341–1347 was a conflict between supporters of designated regent John VI Kantakouzenos and guardians acting for John V Palaiologos, Emperor Andronikos III's nine-year-old son, in the persons of the Empress-dowager Anna of Savoy, the Patriarch of Constantinople John XIV...

. At the height of its power, his principality possessed 350 ships and 15,000 men.

His preying on Christian shipping led to the declaration of a Crusade against him by Pope Clement VI
Pope Clement VI
Pope Clement VI , bornPierre Roger, the fourth of the Avignon Popes, was pope from May 1342 until his death in December of 1352...

 in 1343. In 1348, his fleet was destroyed by an allied fleet from Venice, the Knights of Rhodes and Cyprus
Kingdom of Cyprus
The Kingdom of Cyprus was a Crusader kingdom on the island of Cyprus in the high and late Middle Ages, between 1192 and 1489. It was ruled by the French House of Lusignan.-History:...

, and Umur himself was killed in battle.
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