UGC 6945
UGC 6945 is a pair of interacting galaxies. The galaxy to the northwest has an angular size of . It is in a disrupted state because of the interaction. About 40″ to the southeast is a normal-looking second galaxy with an angular size of . Based upon a radial velocity of about 10,500 km s−1, this galaxy pair is located at a distance of 175 Mpc (assuming a Hubble constant value of ). This indicates that the two galaxies are separated by a projected linear distance of roughly .
This pair underwent a head-on encounter about 108 years ago. Tidally-stripped gas from the encounter is falling toward the southern galaxy as a series of blobs, which are fueling a burst of star formation
This pair underwent a head-on encounter about 108 years ago. Tidally-stripped gas from the encounter is falling toward the southern galaxy as a series of blobs, which are fueling a burst of star formation
Star formation
Star formation is the process by which dense parts of molecular clouds collapse into a ball of plasma to form a star. As a branch of astronomy star formation includes the study of the interstellar medium and giant molecular clouds as precursors to the star formation process and the study of young...