Türisalu cliff
Türisalu pank is a cliff in Türisalu
Türisalu is a village in Harku Parish, Harju County in northern Estonia. It has a population of 499 .A famous suicide place Türisalu cliff is located in the village....

, Estonia
Estonia , officially the Republic of Estonia , is a state in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia , and to the east by Lake Peipsi and the Russian Federation . Across the Baltic Sea lies...

. The cliff is part of the Baltic Klint
Baltic Klint
The Baltic Klint is an erosional limestone escarpment on several islands of the Baltic Sea, in Estonia and in Leningrad Oblast of Russia...

 and has an height of up to 30 metres (98.4 ft).

Türisalu cliff has accumulated a negative reputation as a "popular" place for suicide
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Suicide is often committed out of despair or attributed to some underlying mental disorder, such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, alcoholism, or drug abuse...

s, especially among younger people.
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