Two on a Raft
Two on a Raft is the debut episode of the 1960s TV series Gilligan's Island
Gilligan's Island
Gilligan's Island is an American television series created and produced by Sherwood Schwartz and originally produced by United Artists Television. The situation comedy series featured Bob Denver; Alan Hale, Jr.; Jim Backus; Natalie Schafer; Tina Louise; Russell Johnson; and Dawn Wells. It aired for...

. It first aired on September 26, 1964 on CBS
CBS Broadcasting Inc. is a major US commercial broadcasting television network, which started as a radio network. The name is derived from the initials of the network's former name, Columbia Broadcasting System. The network is sometimes referred to as the "Eye Network" in reference to the shape of...



Following a violent storm, the crew and passengers of the S.S. Minnow wakes up to find that they have landed on an uncharted island. The captain, Jonas Grumby (commonly known as "Skipper") and his first mate Gilligan set sail on a raft to try to return to land, while the passengers stay on the island. However, a storm blows the crew back to the island, which they do not know is the island where they first landed. The passengers, meanwhile, do not know that they have returned. When both groups become aware that the other is on the island, they assume that the other is a group of headhunters. In the end, everyone gets trapped in a cave. Gilligan emerges dressed as a native and scares the rest of the characters away.


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