Tuhafat Ul Mujahideen
Kerala History Text of 16th Century
A famous text book of history by the 16th-century MalayaliMalayali
Malayali is the term used to refer to the native speakers of Malayalam, originating from the Indian state of Kerala...
Shaikh Zainuddin Makhdoom
Zainuddin Makhdoom
-Zainudden Makhdoom II The Jurist:The famous author of Fat'h Ul Mueen, the Arabic text book on Shafi'i school of Fiqh or Islamic jurisprudence. It was taught in the some of the most renowned Islamic Universities such as Al Azhar-Zainudden Makhdoom I The historian:...
Shaykh Zainuddin Makhdum’s (RA) “Tuhfat al-Mujahidin” is a pioneering historical work dealing with the struggles of the Malabar Muslims against the Portuguese incursion in India. This work was first written in Arabic in the late 16th century based on the author’s first-hand information of events and what he could gather from sources.
This work could be considered one of the earliest anti-colonial manifestos and was translated into many European languages. This is called by many as a source book of struggle against European colonial history. It also is the oldest historical book on Kerala. It details the history of Kerala, on the arrival of Islam in Kerala through Malik ibn Dinar & the accompanying merchant caravan & the establishment of local Muslim communities headed by the jurists (qaadi) in various settlements from Tuticorin in the south to Bhatkal in the north. It also expounds the extent of good relations between the Zamorins of Calicut & between the Muslims. It traces the socio-cultural decay of the Muslim community & the consequential Portuguese piracy & occupation in Malabar. It prays for the prosperity of the Zamorins & exhorts for the struggle (jihad) of Muslims under the banner of the Zamorins of Calicut, against the Portuguese.