Trochlear process
The two oblique grooves of the lateral surface of the calcaneus are separated by an elevated ridge, or tubercle, the trochlear process ( peroneal trochlea, or peroneal tubercle, or fibular trochlea of calcaneus), which varies much in size in different bones.
Its chief anatomical significance is as a point of divergence of the previously common pathway shared by the distal tendons of peroneus longus and peroneus brevis en route to their distinct respective attachment sites.
The Lower Limb, Last's Regional and Applied Anatomy, 9th edition
Its chief anatomical significance is as a point of divergence of the previously common pathway shared by the distal tendons of peroneus longus and peroneus brevis en route to their distinct respective attachment sites.
The Lower Limb, Last's Regional and Applied Anatomy, 9th edition