Trip City (novel)
Trip City is a novel set in the underground world of London nightclubs and concerns a fictional designer drug called FX. It was written by Trevor Miller
Trevor Miller
Trevor Miller is a screenwriter, author and playwright who Record Mirror suggested “is hailed by some as the voice of a generation.” His plays include HEART OF SATURDAY NIGHT and THE FLESH TRADER both of which debuted at The London New Play Festival...

 and published in 1989 by Avernus Creative Media - a book imprint founded by celebrated Science Fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

 author Brian Aldiss
Brian Aldiss
Brian Wilson Aldiss, OBE is an English author of both general fiction and science fiction. His byline reads either Brian W. Aldiss or simply Brian Aldiss. Greatly influenced by science fiction pioneer H. G. Wells, Aldiss is a vice-president of the international H. G. Wells Society...

. The Trip City novel was packaged with a soundtrack cassette of original music by A Guy Called Gerald
A Guy Called Gerald
A Guy Called Gerald is the stage name for the musician, record producer and DJ Gerald Simpson ....


The novel has been adapted for the screen by author Trevor Miller
Trevor Miller
Trevor Miller is a screenwriter, author and playwright who Record Mirror suggested “is hailed by some as the voice of a generation.” His plays include HEART OF SATURDAY NIGHT and THE FLESH TRADER both of which debuted at The London New Play Festival...

 and will be his motion picture debut as Writer/Director.

Plot summary

Tom Valentine wakes up in an unfamiliar loft apartment - not sure where he is or how he got there. Despite the chic surroundings, there’s blood on his shirt, evidence of a struggle and a Luger pistol on the Persian rug... Valentine is only certain of three things: The girl that he loved has been murdered. His mind has been warped by the effects of a powerful psychotropic drug and he only has one chance to bring the shrouded, corporate killers to justice...

Screen Adaptation

Trip City is due to begin principal photography in London, August 2009 - on the eve of its 20th Anniversary of original publication.

External links

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