Trilling Peaks
Trilling Peaks is a group of linear nunatak
A nunatak is an exposed, often rocky element of a ridge, mountain, or peak not covered with ice or snow within an ice field or glacier. The term is typically used in areas where a permanent ice sheet is present...

s: the three main peaks standing three miles south of South Masson Range
Masson Range
Masson Range is a high broken chain of mountains, consisting primarily of North Masson, Central Masson, South Masson Ranges and Trilling Peaks, forming a part of the Framnes Mountains. Having several peaks over 1,000 m, the range extends in a north-south direction for 15 miles...

 in the Framnes Mountains
Framnes Mountains
Framnes Mountains is an Antarctic mountain range consisting of Casey Range, Masson Range, David Range, and Brown Range, and adjacent peaks and mountains. The three major ranges and other lesser features were sighted and named in February 1931 by the British Australian New Zealand Antarctic Research...

, Mac. Robertson Land
Mac. Robertson Land
Mac. Robertson Land is the portion of Antarctica lying southward of the coast between William Scoresby Bay and Cape Darnley. Mac. Robertson Land is located at . In the east, Mac. Robertson Land includes the Prince Charles Mountains. Mac...

. Mapped by Norwegian cartographers from air photos taken by the Lars Christensen
Lars Christensen
Lars Christensen was a Norwegian shipowner and whaling magnate with a keen interest in the exploration of Antarctica.-Career:...

Expedition, 1936-37, and named Trillingnutane (the triplet peaks).
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