. He is credited by name as composer of 152 Phish original songs, 140 of them as a solo credit, in addition to 41 credits attributed to the band as a whole.
Anastasio was born in Fort Worth, Texas and moved to Princeton, New Jersey when he was three. His father, Ernest Anastasio Jr., was an executive vice president at the Educational Testing Service.
Music is like this porthole to another world- the world of truth.
The quickest way to run out of licks is to be locked in your own head.
I have one foot in the past, one foot in the future, and I'm pissing on the present.
The music exists in the universe, and if you're lucky enough, or strong enough, to get your ego out of the way, the music comes through you.
But if there's one fucking thing, and one thing only, that fuels creativity, its discipline. There's no substitution for sitting down and working your ass off
We don't want to become caricatures of ourselves, or worse yet, a nostalgia act.
We're done