Tremor Pak
The Tremor Pak is a third-party version of the Nintendo 64
Nintendo 64
The , often referred to as N64, was Nintendo′s third home video game console for the international market. Named for its 64-bit CPU, it was released in June 1996 in Japan, September 1996 in North America, March 1997 in Europe and Australia, September 1997 in France and December 1997 in Brazil...

's official Rumble Pak
Rumble Pak
The is a removable device from Nintendo which provides force feedback while playing video games. Games that support the Rumble Pak cause it to vibrate in select situations, such as when firing a weapon or receiving damage, to immerse the player in the game. Versions of the Rumble Pak are available...

, a device designed to vibrate the N64 controller during selected games to enhance realism. For example, the Tremor Pak might cause the controller to vibrate when a gun is fired or when the player takes damage.

The Tremor Pak uses AA batteries
AA battery
An AA battery is a standard size of battery. Batteries of this size are the most commonly used type of in portable electronic devices. An AA battery is composed of a single electrochemical cell...

, causing it to be heavier than the Rumble Pak, which uses AAA batteries
AAA battery
A triple A or AAA battery is a standard size of dry cell battery commonly used in portable electronic devices. A carbon-zinc battery in this size is designated by IEC as "R03", by ANSI C18.1 as "24", by old JIS standard as "UM 4", and by other manufacturer and national standard designations that...

. Unlike the Rumble Pak, the Tremor Pak has two levels of vibration.

Variant versions were released with a built-in Controller Pak (a memory storage system); some models used the N64 console itself as a power source, eliminating the need for batteries (though the vibrations were weakened as a side effect). An additional variant was the Tremor Pak Plus, which featured a slot for a Controller Pak with a switch to select between the controller pack and vibrate.
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