Translations of Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser
"Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser
" ("God Save Emperor Franz") is an anthem
to the Austria
n Emperor Francis II
, set to music by Joseph Haydn
, the anthem served as the national anthem
of Austria-Hungary
For full information on this anthem, see the main Wikipedia article
The German lyrics were written by Lorenz Leopold Haschka
(1749–1827). The anthem was translated or adapted into several of the languages that were spoken in the Empire.
Translation of Austrian anthem during the reign of Franz Joseph I (1848–1916)
Lidová hymna
1. Zachovej nám, Hospodine
Císaře a naši zem
Dej, ať z víry moc mu plyne
Ať je moudrým vladařem
Hajme věrně trůnu Jeho
Proti nepřátelům všem
Osud trůnu Habsburského
Rakouska je osudem.
2. Plňme věrně povinnosti
Braňme právo počestně
A když třeba, s ochotností
V boj se dejme statečně
Na paměti věčné mějme
Slávu vojska vítěznou
Jmění, krev i život dejme
Za Císaře, za vlast svou!
3. Čeho nabyl občan pilný
Vojín zbraní zastávej
Uměním i vědou silný
Duch se vzmáhej, jasně skvěj
Bože račiž přízeň dáti
Naší vlasti milené
Slunce Tvé ať věčně svítí
Na Rakousko blažené.
4. Stůjme k sobě v každou chvíli
Svornost jenom moci dá
Spojené kde vládnou síly
Vše se snadno překoná
Když se ruka k ruce vine
Tak se dílo podaří
Říš Rakouská nezahyne
Sláva vlasti, Císaři!
5. Císaři po boku vládne
Rodem, duchem spřízněná
V kráse, která neuvadne
Císařovna vznešená
Bože račiž přízeň svoji
Habsburskému domu dát
Františkovi Josefovi
Alžbětě rač požehnat!
Translation (1st stanza):
Preserve for us, o Lord, /
The Emperor and our land; /
Let his power flow from faith, /
Let he be a wise ruler. /
Let us defend his throne faithfully /
Against all the enemies; /
The fate of the Habsburg's throne /
Is the fate of Austria.
Bože živi, Bože štiti
Kralja našeg i naš dom.
Vječnom Ti ih slavom kiti,
Snagom Ti ih jačaj svom.
Ti nam sretne dane množi,
Habsburškoj ih kući daj,
S njenom snagom zauvijek složi
Hrvatske nam krune sjaj.
Ti u našim stvori grudma
Živi ponos, krotku ćud,
Da smo mili svijem ljudma,
Na poštenju prvi svud.
Ti nas krijepi svojom vjerom,
Ravnaj naše sreće brod,
Da nam pođe pravim smjerom
Sav naš složan mili rod.
No kad domu zlo zaprijeti,
»U boj!« zovne Kraljev glas,
Tad na ovaj poziv sveti
Lavom budi svaki nas,
Da pred stijegom našim gine
Dušman svaki, Bože daj!
A nad nama s nova sine
Blagog mira vedri sjaj!
Bože živi, srećom zlati
Kraljevski nam sjajni dom,
Naša ljubav nek ga prati
Do kraj međa žiću tom;
Blago, život Kralju svome
Svaki od nas rado daj,
Vječan bud na svijetu tome
Slavne naše krune sjaj.
Translation of the first verse:
Hymn Ludowy
1. Boże wspieraj, Boże ochroń
Nam Cesarza i nasz kraj,
Tarczą wiary rządy osłoń,
Państwu Jego siłę daj.
Brońmy wiernie Jego tronu,
Zwróćmy wszelki wroga cios,
Bo z Habsburgów tronem złączon
Jest na wieki Austrii los.
2. Obowiązkom swoim wierni
Strzeżmy pilnie świętych praw
W ich obronie niech się spełni
powołanie do cnych spraw!
Pomni, jak to skroń żołnierza
Świetnie zdobi lauru krzew
Nieśmy chętnie za Monarchę,
Za Ojczyznę mienie, krew!
3. Ludu pilnej pracy zbiory
Niech osłania zbrojna moc
Niechaj kwitną ducha twory
Niech rozświetla światło noc!
Austrii Boże daj wsławienie
Na szczyt chwały racz ją wznieść
Słońca swego skłoń promienie
Ku jej chwale, na jej cześć!
4. Spólność, jedność powołania,
Niech przenika wszystkek lud,
Bo złączonych sił działania
Zdolne przemóc wszelki trud.
Dążąc społem ku celowi,
Chciejmy bratnio siły zlać,
Szczęść Monarsze, szczęść Krajowi,
Austria będzie wiecznie trwać!
5. Przy Cesarzu mile włada
Cesarzowa pełna łask,
Cały lud Jej hołdy składa,
Podziwiając cnót Jej blask.
Franciszkowi Józefowi
I Elżbiecie, Boże szczęść,
Habsburskiemu szczęść Domowi;
Sława Jemu, chwała, cześć!
Translation (1st stanza):
God, support, God, protect /
The Emperor for us, and our land; /
Shield His reign with the shield of faith, /
Give strength to His country. /
Let us defend His throne faithfully, /
Let us reverse every strike of enemy, /
Because to the Habsburg's throne is bound /
For ages the fate of Austria.
Inno patriottico or Inno populare
God keep the reign of Austria,
And keep our emperor!
In the faith that is his support
May he rule us with wise love.
Let us defend the ancestral garland
That adorns his royal hair.
May the united throne of Austria
Always be with the fate of Habsburg.
Let us be together a pious and strong defense
Of right and duty;
And let us with happy hope run
To sustain the battle!
Remembering the wounds
That covered us with laurels;
We will give possessions and lives
To country and lord.
To the beautiful treasures of industry
May the good warrior be guardian;
May skills and learning
Have bloodless and gentle triumphs!
May Heaven bless and make
Glorious our country's ground,
And may the sun always shine peacefully
Over Austria!
Let us be in agreement; in united strength
Is the core of power;
Old undertakings will be completed
If there is concord among us.
Let us be brothers, and may one thought
And one heart join us;
May this Empire last eternally,
God save the Emperor!
According to 19th century Western Ukrainian orthography, with current official Latin transliteration.
Народний гімн
God, be the protector /
for the Emperor and His lands! /
A ruler strong with faith, /
May he lead us wisely! /
His crown of great-grandfathers, /
Let us defend from the enemy, /
Tightly to the Habsburg's throne /
The fate of Austria has been bound!
Chiant popolar publicad par la prima volta in dialet gurizan
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser was an anthem to Francis II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and later of Austria. Lorenz Leopold Haschka wrote the lyrics, and Joseph Haydn composed the melody...
" ("God Save Emperor Franz") is an anthem
The term anthem means either a specific form of Anglican church music , or more generally, a song of celebration, usually acting as a symbol for a distinct group of people, as in the term "national anthem" or "sports anthem".-Etymology:The word is derived from the Greek via Old English , a word...
to the Austria
Austrian Empire
The Austrian Empire was a modern era successor empire, which was centered on what is today's Austria and which officially lasted from 1804 to 1867. It was followed by the Empire of Austria-Hungary, whose proclamation was a diplomatic move that elevated Hungary's status within the Austrian Empire...
n Emperor Francis II
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor
Francis II was the last Holy Roman Emperor, ruling from 1792 until 6 August 1806, when he dissolved the Empire after the disastrous defeat of the Third Coalition by Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz...
, set to music by Joseph Haydn
Joseph Haydn
Franz Joseph Haydn , known as Joseph Haydn , was an Austrian composer, one of the most prolific and prominent composers of the Classical period. He is often called the "Father of the Symphony" and "Father of the String Quartet" because of his important contributions to these forms...
, the anthem served as the national anthem
National anthem
A national anthem is a generally patriotic musical composition that evokes and eulogizes the history, traditions and struggles of its people, recognized either by a nation's government as the official national song, or by convention through use by the people.- History :Anthems rose to prominence...
of Austria-Hungary
Austria-Hungary , more formally known as the Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Council and the Lands of the Holy Hungarian Crown of Saint Stephen, was a constitutional monarchic union between the crowns of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary in...
For full information on this anthem, see the main Wikipedia article
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser
Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser was an anthem to Francis II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and later of Austria. Lorenz Leopold Haschka wrote the lyrics, and Joseph Haydn composed the melody...
The German lyrics were written by Lorenz Leopold Haschka
Lorenz Leopold Haschka
Lorenz Leopold Haschka was an Austrian poet and author of the words to Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser, Austria's national anthem until 1918....
(1749–1827). The anthem was translated or adapted into several of the languages that were spoken in the Empire.
HungarianHungarian languageHungarian is a Uralic language, part of the Ugric group. With some 14 million speakers, it is one of the most widely spoken non-Indo-European languages in Europe....
- Tartsa Isten, óvja Isten
- Királyunk s a közhazát!
- Erőt lelve a szent hitben
- Ossza bölcs parancsszavát!
- Hadd védnünk ős koronáját
- Bárhonnét fenyítse vész!
- Magyar honnal Habsburg trónját
- Egyesíté égi kéz
CzechCzech languageCzech is a West Slavic language with about 12 million native speakers; it is the majority language in the Czech Republic and spoken by Czechs worldwide. The language was known as Bohemian in English until the late 19th century...
Translation of Austrian anthem during the reign of Franz Joseph I (1848–1916)Lidová hymna
1. Zachovej nám, Hospodine
Císaře a naši zem
Dej, ať z víry moc mu plyne
Ať je moudrým vladařem
Hajme věrně trůnu Jeho
Proti nepřátelům všem
Osud trůnu Habsburského
Rakouska je osudem.
2. Plňme věrně povinnosti
Braňme právo počestně
A když třeba, s ochotností
V boj se dejme statečně
Na paměti věčné mějme
Slávu vojska vítěznou
Jmění, krev i život dejme
Za Císaře, za vlast svou!
3. Čeho nabyl občan pilný
Vojín zbraní zastávej
Uměním i vědou silný
Duch se vzmáhej, jasně skvěj
Bože račiž přízeň dáti
Naší vlasti milené
Slunce Tvé ať věčně svítí
Na Rakousko blažené.
4. Stůjme k sobě v každou chvíli
Svornost jenom moci dá
Spojené kde vládnou síly
Vše se snadno překoná
Když se ruka k ruce vine
Tak se dílo podaří
Říš Rakouská nezahyne
Sláva vlasti, Císaři!
5. Císaři po boku vládne
Rodem, duchem spřízněná
V kráse, která neuvadne
Císařovna vznešená
Bože račiž přízeň svoji
Habsburskému domu dát
Františkovi Josefovi
Alžbětě rač požehnat!
Translation (1st stanza):
Preserve for us, o Lord, /
The Emperor and our land; /
Let his power flow from faith, /
Let he be a wise ruler. /
Let us defend his throne faithfully /
Against all the enemies; /
The fate of the Habsburg's throne /
Is the fate of Austria.
CroatianCroatian languageCroatian is the collective name for the standard language and dialects spoken by Croats, principally in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Serbian province of Vojvodina and other neighbouring countries...
CarevkaBože živi, Bože štiti
Kralja našeg i naš dom.
Vječnom Ti ih slavom kiti,
Snagom Ti ih jačaj svom.
Ti nam sretne dane množi,
Habsburškoj ih kući daj,
S njenom snagom zauvijek složi
Hrvatske nam krune sjaj.
Ti u našim stvori grudma
Živi ponos, krotku ćud,
Da smo mili svijem ljudma,
Na poštenju prvi svud.
Ti nas krijepi svojom vjerom,
Ravnaj naše sreće brod,
Da nam pođe pravim smjerom
Sav naš složan mili rod.
No kad domu zlo zaprijeti,
»U boj!« zovne Kraljev glas,
Tad na ovaj poziv sveti
Lavom budi svaki nas,
Da pred stijegom našim gine
Dušman svaki, Bože daj!
A nad nama s nova sine
Blagog mira vedri sjaj!
Bože živi, srećom zlati
Kraljevski nam sjajni dom,
Naša ljubav nek ga prati
Do kraj međa žiću tom;
Blago, život Kralju svome
Svaki od nas rado daj,
Vječan bud na svijetu tome
Slavne naše krune sjaj.
Translation of the first verse:
- Oh God, may you hail, Oh God, let's protect
- our king and our homeland!
- Eternally let's Thou adorn her with glory,
- Let's Thou strengthen her with force, with ( your) own!
- So, let's Thou multiplicate to us the joyful days,
- granting her to the Hasbourg's House,
- with her's (the House) strength grant us to forever connect,
- for your's sake, the spendor of Croatian Crown.
PolishPolish languagePolish is a language of the Lechitic subgroup of West Slavic languages, used throughout Poland and by Polish minorities in other countries...
Hymn Ludowy1. Boże wspieraj, Boże ochroń
Nam Cesarza i nasz kraj,
Tarczą wiary rządy osłoń,
Państwu Jego siłę daj.
Brońmy wiernie Jego tronu,
Zwróćmy wszelki wroga cios,
Bo z Habsburgów tronem złączon
Jest na wieki Austrii los.
2. Obowiązkom swoim wierni
Strzeżmy pilnie świętych praw
W ich obronie niech się spełni
powołanie do cnych spraw!
Pomni, jak to skroń żołnierza
Świetnie zdobi lauru krzew
Nieśmy chętnie za Monarchę,
Za Ojczyznę mienie, krew!
3. Ludu pilnej pracy zbiory
Niech osłania zbrojna moc
Niechaj kwitną ducha twory
Niech rozświetla światło noc!
Austrii Boże daj wsławienie
Na szczyt chwały racz ją wznieść
Słońca swego skłoń promienie
Ku jej chwale, na jej cześć!
4. Spólność, jedność powołania,
Niech przenika wszystkek lud,
Bo złączonych sił działania
Zdolne przemóc wszelki trud.
Dążąc społem ku celowi,
Chciejmy bratnio siły zlać,
Szczęść Monarsze, szczęść Krajowi,
Austria będzie wiecznie trwać!
5. Przy Cesarzu mile włada
Cesarzowa pełna łask,
Cały lud Jej hołdy składa,
Podziwiając cnót Jej blask.
Franciszkowi Józefowi
I Elżbiecie, Boże szczęść,
Habsburskiemu szczęść Domowi;
Sława Jemu, chwała, cześć!
Translation (1st stanza):
God, support, God, protect /
The Emperor for us, and our land; /
Shield His reign with the shield of faith, /
Give strength to His country. /
Let us defend His throne faithfully, /
Let us reverse every strike of enemy, /
Because to the Habsburg's throne is bound /
For ages the fate of Austria.
Ljudska himna- Bog ohrani, Bog obvari
- Nam Cesarja, Avstrijo!
- Modro da nam gospodari
- S svete vere pomočjo.
- Branimo mu krono dedno
- Zoper vse sovražnike,
- S habsburškim bo tronom vedno
- Sreča trdna Avstrije.
RomanianRomanian languageRomanian Romanian Romanian (or Daco-Romanian; obsolete spellings Rumanian, Roumanian; self-designation: română, limba română ("the Romanian language") or românește (lit. "in Romanian") is a Romance language spoken by around 24 to 28 million people, primarily in Romania and Moldova...
- Doamne sânte, întăreşce
- Pră al nostru Împărat!
- Să domnească ’nţelepţeşce
- Pe dreptate răzimat!
- Părintescule-i coroane
- Credincios să-i aperăm:
- De-a Habsburgei ’nalte troane
- Soartea noastră s’o legăm!
ItalianItalian languageItalian is a Romance language spoken mainly in Europe: Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, by minorities in Malta, Monaco, Croatia, Slovenia, France, Libya, Eritrea, and Somalia, and by immigrant communities in the Americas and Australia...
Inno patriottico or Inno populare- Serbi Dio l'austriaco regno
- Guardi il nostro imperator!
- Nella fé che gli è sostegno
- Regga noi con saggio amor
- Difendiamo il serto avito
- Che gli adorna il regno crin
- Sempre d'Austria il soglio unito
- Sia d'Asburgo col destin.
- Pia difesa e forte insieme
- Siamo al dritto ed al dover;
- E corriam con lieta speme
- La battaglia a sostener!
- Rammentando le ferite
- Che di lauri ci coprir;
- Noi daremo beni e vite
- Alla patria, al nostro Sir.
- Dell'industria a' bei tesori
- Sia tutela il buon guerrier;
- Incruenti e miti allori
- Abbian l'arti ed il saper!
- Benedica il Cielo e renda
- Glorioso il patrio suol,
- E pacifico risplenda
- Sovra l'Austria ognora il sol!
- Siam concordi, in forze unite
- Del potere il nerbo sta;
- Alte imprese fian compite,
- Se concordia in noi sarà.
- Siam fratelli, e un sol pensiero
- Ne congiunga e un solo cor;
- Duri eterno questo Impero,
- Salvi Iddio l'Imperator!
God keep the reign of Austria,
And keep our emperor!
In the faith that is his support
May he rule us with wise love.
Let us defend the ancestral garland
That adorns his royal hair.
May the united throne of Austria
Always be with the fate of Habsburg.
Let us be together a pious and strong defense
Of right and duty;
And let us with happy hope run
To sustain the battle!
Remembering the wounds
That covered us with laurels;
We will give possessions and lives
To country and lord.
To the beautiful treasures of industry
May the good warrior be guardian;
May skills and learning
Have bloodless and gentle triumphs!
May Heaven bless and make
Glorious our country's ground,
And may the sun always shine peacefully
Over Austria!
Let us be in agreement; in united strength
Is the core of power;
Old undertakings will be completed
If there is concord among us.
Let us be brothers, and may one thought
And one heart join us;
May this Empire last eternally,
God save the Emperor!
UkrainianUkrainian languageUkrainian is a language of the East Slavic subgroup of the Slavic languages. It is the official state language of Ukraine. Written Ukrainian uses a variant of the Cyrillic alphabet....
According to 19th century Western Ukrainian orthography, with current official Latin transliteration.Народний гімн
Боже, буди покровитель Цїcарю, Єго краям! Крiпкий вiрою правитель, Мудро най проводить нам! Прадїдну Єго корону Боронїм від ворога, Тїсно із Габсбурґів троном Сплелась Австриї судьба! |
God, be the protector /
for the Emperor and His lands! /
A ruler strong with faith, /
May he lead us wisely! /
His crown of great-grandfathers, /
Let us defend from the enemy, /
Tightly to the Habsburg's throne /
The fate of Austria has been bound!
FriulianFriulian languageFriulan , is a Romance language belonging to the Rhaeto-Romance family, spoken in the Friuli region of northeastern Italy. Friulan has around 800,000 speakers, the vast majority of whom also speak Italian...
(dialect of GoriziaGoriziaGorizia is a town and comune in northeastern Italy, in the autonomous region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. It is located at the foot of the Julian Alps, bordering Slovenia. It is the capital of the Province of Gorizia, and it is a local center of tourism, industry, and commerce. Since 1947, a twin...
Chiant popolar publicad par la prima volta in dialet gurizan- Dio mantegni d’Austria il Regno,
- Uardi il nostri Imperatòr!
- Nela fede – a Lui sostegno –
- Nus guviarni cun amòr.
- Difindìn chel diadema
- Che la front circonda al GRAND
- Ciarz, che l’Austria no trema
- Sin che Absburgo le al comand.
- Cun pietàt a fuarza unida
- Sostignìn lis lez del Stat;
- Sei speranza nostra guida
- Quand che il nostri braz combàt.
- Sì! – pensand ala vitoria
- Che nus spieta – vulintir
- Bens e vita par la gloria
- Ualìn dà del nostri Sir!
- Del’industria al’opulenza
- Sein tutela i boins soldàz
- E i mistirs, lis arz, la scienza
- Sein d’aloro coronàz.
- Benedis, o Cil! la tiara
- Che noaltris abitìn,
- E, o soreli! tu risclara
- Simpri d’Austria il faust destin.
- La concordia nus unissi
- Che la fuarza ja in ta man
- Grandis chiossis van compissi
- Se d’acordo dug saràn.
- Fradis siin e atòr a un perno
- Zirin ment e nostri amòr;
- Duri chist biel Regno eterno:
- Salvi Dio l’Imperatòr!