Trabecular veins
The trabecular veins are the largest veins inside the spleen
The spleen is an organ found in virtually all vertebrate animals with important roles in regard to red blood cells and the immune system. In humans, it is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. It removes old red blood cells and holds a reserve of blood in case of hemorrhagic shock...

. It drains the blood collected in the sinuses of the pulp.


The blood is collected from the interstices of the tissue by the rootlets of the veins, which begin much in the same way as the arteries end.

The connective-tissue corpuscles of the pulp arrange themselves in rows, in such a way as to form an elongated space or sinus.

They become elongated and spindle-shaped, and overlap each other at their extremities, and thus form a sort of endothelial lining of the path or sinus, which is the radicle of a vein.

On the outer surfaces of these cells are seen delicate transverse lines or markings, which are due to minute elastic fibrillæ arranged in a circular manner around the sinus.

Thus the channel obtains an external investment, and gradually becomes converted into a small vein, which after a short course acquires a coat of ordinary connective tissue, lined by a layer of flattened epithelial cells which are continuous with the supporting cells of the pulp.

The smaller veins unite to form larger ones; these do not accompany the arteries, but soon enter the trabecular sheaths of the capsule, and by their junction form six or more branches, which emerge from the hilum
Splenic hilum
The Splenic hilum is a location on the surface of the spleen.It is the point of attachment for the gastrosplenic ligament, and the point of insertion for the splenic artery and splenic vein.Structures that enter the hilum are:* Splenic artery...

, and, uniting, constitute the lienal vein, the largest radicle of the portal vein.

External links

- "Lymphoid Tissues and Organs: spleen, central artery and trabecular vein"
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